I was wondering if there was any way to add a vehicle to the map without allowing it to be drivable WITHOUT disabling vehicle use in the game settings. For example, I want players to be able to use some vehicles on the map but others I want just for scenery. If anyone can help thanks in advance.
The only thing I can think of would be to surround the vehicle with a teleporter so when you try to get in you go somewhere else. Not the best solution, but it could work.
If it doesn't matter if it explodes or not, you can drop a fusion coil on it at the start of the round, and have the properties set so it doesn't respawn.
Place a flipped vehicle with something holding it in place so no one can flip it upright. I believe this is what Rifte did in his infection maps. You can also place an upright vehicle with something holding it in place as long as using the vehicle would put the player in a disadvantageous position. You can use this trap to help hold the vehicle down, but you must be sure people cannot break it out with grenades or a hammer. Remember when you turn vehicle use off, turrets will not be usable unless broken off their stands.
A small idea make slight walls around the bottoms wheels that comes out of the ground just a little. Enough to make it so the wheels can't drive over the walls or someone blow it out of the box. Otherwise you can't make some usable and others not. This would be a cool addition to forge though.
The problem with that is the guns on the vehicle are still powerful. So you essentially restated what I said but with less detail.
i didn't read what anyone else posted i just read what the question was and replied. So add more damage to the player..
If everyone acted the way you do, there would be at least a hundred responses to this thread, and only one would be useful. That's a completely idiotic way to act, especially when there are only a few posts. There is no foolproof way to just reduce the player's health or reduce the damage he deals just because he entered a vehicle.
This is basically the same as redisloves' thread, only vehicles not weapons. Like I said in his (or her) thread, Im pretty sure theres a way you can make it so that specific weapons and/or vehicles are unusable with some overly elaborate means, but, currently, Im unsure as to the capacity of those methods. When Im able to get back on my 360 Ill have a look and see what I can manage, and give you the results.
I know how to merge vehicals with land. Note this only works on land and the vehicals will be accesable just not movable. Simply press vehical to ground , then change respawn time, should merge with ground. Don't know if this is useful, but other than changing gametype or adding kill zones, I can't think of another way.
Sorry Noble V1, I cant find the information I was looking for. I know its somewhere on the internet, but where exactly, I dont know for sure. Ive read it before, so I know it exists. Sorry if I got your hopes up. :\
Well it looks like there is no clear cut way of going about this but thanks for your ideas and input guys.