If your xbox is affected by the update, then you call up microsoft, they confirm your console can't play the games, and they give you a new slim unit. Not too bad! It almost makes me want my 360 to not work! With all of the talk about disk space, I still expect MS to place a Bluray player into the next Xbox console. With this generation console lasting much longer than previous generations, it makes more sense to "future-proof" the next gen console. If it is released in 2013, that means it's features will mostly go untouched until 2020... which is a loooong time for the Bluray market to expand and exceed DVD.
My link negates your thread Crytek Says It Has No 'Xbox 720' and Doesn't Know What You're Talking About
O snap! Well they didn't deny they were working on the next time splitters for the next gen hardware, they just haven't been given any information regarding the next generation console or when it will be released. 2014 does seem more appropriate for a release window, and gives the Kinect more time to flourish.
The original article didn't claim they had an "xbox 720" either. I have no doubt plans and possible prototypes for a next gen console are being thrown around in-house for both Sony and Microsoft but the software and possible specs I'm sure have been passed on to developers the system makers want to be on board with for when their systems do launch. Direct X 11, GPU processing, quad core or higher kind of things are probably what they're telling publishers to tell their developers to start looking into and start planning games for. News about Timesplitters 4 probably just leaked out as part of that early discussion.
^I was going to say, just because they dont have to console, doesnt mean they cant start planning games for it. Notice how they kept saying "hardware"? So that basically confirms theyre at least preparing for some kind of next-gen console. They may have the specs already and are working around that. We'll find out, however.
My guess is that Microsoft is gonna try and drop all controller's or at least minimize them and stick to voice-recognition and 'kinect-esque' control for it's next-gen. They tapped into a new world with the kinect and how well it works (unless you're black) and if they can force developers to lean towards that technology, they could A. rule the market and B. take the gaming industry to the next level of 'futuristic-coolness.' The new generation of processors are gonna start focusing on more processing power and probably start to integrate some of that '3d' tv stuff that's beginning to make an appearance. Especially if we can't expect the new consoles for another 2-3 years.
There was an article a while back that discovered the Kinect had a more difficult time recognizing darker skinned individuals when in darker environments. Low lighting obviously makes it more difficult for the Kinect to see someone, so I don't even think it was worth mentioning at all. And I don't think they'll drop the controller at all. I think MS has found that the core gamer enjoys the controller and the casual gamer likes the more hands free approach. So I expect them to keep the standard setup they currently have, with the Kinect as an add on peripheral that can come bundled with the console. Why pick one side when you can have the best of both worlds?
Pretty much exactly what I just said....sigh. Also having the "hardware" would imply they have a system. As I extremely doubt they have a next gen console they probably have what I said. The hardware early specs and the type of software it will run, ex direct x 11.
Thank you for explaining. That's a good point. Especially when you see stuff like the new mass effect coming out that uses the controller and can use voice commands through the kinect as well.
And I was simplifying what you said, citing specific examples in the source text. Calm down, I was agreeing with you.