i'm building what is my tribute to the best map in halo 3, not a replica more a gaurdian theme, but am having problems with team spawning they just wont spawn where they are supposed too. someone gets 5 minutes take a look pls ? Uploaded with ImageShack.us <script src='http://imageshack.us/shareable/?i=reach19437957medium2.jpg&s=716&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript></noscript>
If your remaking Guardian from Halo 3 exactly, The spawn points and spawn area's should be exsactly the same. That way if you spawned right in Halo 3 you will spawn right in your remake.
I would be happy to look at it tonight. Can you place it on your file share? In the mean time, look at the articles on spawning at Forging Reach. They can help you understand how to use spawn zones and spawn points. @WWWilliam - He might be referring to getting the weighting adjusted so that it functions decently, not where the points are laid. A lot of people still do not fully understand how to use Respawn Zones. I see it all the time. They pile up anti zones thinking that enough of them will prevent one team from spawning in the other team's base. And it doesn't work like that.
So I looked at your map and I see why spawning will not be as you expect. You have Respawn Zones that are neutral. Every point in those zones will be used by ANYONE. You have some Respawn Zones that are team associated, and only those teams will spawn in those zones. But they are relatively small compared to the total number of respawn points on the map. So this means each team will use about 90% of all the spawn points, because most of the spawn points are in neutral zones. For this map, I would recommend you have only two Respawn Zones, one blue and one red team assigned. Get rid of all the others. Cover half the map with each, and then a little more so they overlap in the main outdoor dish area. This will allow both teams to use those Respawn points in the main dish area. But then you want to cover the main dish area with a neutral Anti Respawn Zone to deter spawning out in the open where you can be molested as you spawn. If you have a Respawn Zone on the map, then any Respawn Point outside the zones will not be used. The Respawn Zone defines where a team (or everyone if neutral) will spawn. Anywhere not covered by the zone will not be available. If you do not want to use Respawn Zones, then all Respawn points will be available. You also need team assigned Initial Spawn Points. These are effected less by the Zones, and without a team assigned Initial Spawn Points, it is possible to have a really confusing initial spawn. Then I would add one more Respawn Zone to cover the whole map and assign it to Slayer. This will allow your map to utilize dynamic spawning during slayer games, where players can spawn anywhere that is safe, regardless of their team. For FFA, the team assigned zones will drop away (there are no teams), and the map will work fine, even without neutral initial spawn points. But neutral initial spawn points will eliminate the random initial spawning so you may want to add them also.
Kinda, I just meant your making a Halo:3 map remake right? Halo:3 has forge so you can find out where every respawn point and respawn area was on the Halo:3 map and copy paste them onto the Halo:Reach version to have the exsact same spawning as you would in Halo:3.
ahah i feel enlightend by the green, lots of epethanys as i realise my sillyness. [br][/br]Edited by merge: thankyou for taking the time to look at it, was there any other big F ups non spawn related?
Did you actually read is really short write up on the map? "tribute to the best map in halo 3, not a replica more a gaurdian theme"
Doesn't mean you can't copy paste the spawns from halo 3 but use common sense to change it to suit you.
i only took a few minutes to look over the spawning. I can play it with you if you are on later tonight and give more feedback about the map in general. I live in hawaii and try to get on after 8pm my time, which is difficult to party with people on the west coast.
Spawns in Reach do NOT work the same way in Halo Reach as they did in Halo 3. I've seen many remakes where people have attempted to replicate spawn systems, and have failed terribly because of it.
i think i've cracked it thankyou all, i've never finished a map before, done only gun art, though i may be constantly tweaking it i feel it plays well after a few trials, i've not gone for clinical presision or scale, simply a map i think shows tribute to the great gaurdian, would appretiate some constructive points of view if any of the fine forgers out there get a minute? http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=19516628&player=Torched Frog