Umm. Hello, my name is where everyone elses is. But if you have an inability to read that. My name is SUPERSNIPERBR0. Although I'm new HERE. I'm not new to forge, I have made a fair bit of everything, including a failproof droppod. Invasion maps blah blah you get it. I can forge, dont deny that. But alas. My pc is no longer operational so I use my iPod. So you probably won't be seeing my maps up here. So that's it I think, I like the look of this place. Oh and yes Mr, Email Guy. I will enjoy my stay.
*Wanders in randomly, sees new guy, waves and runs over and gives the new guy a big warm hug Welcome to Forgehub my friend, I hope you enjoy your stay. 3 things to maybe possibly do while your here: 1. Read the Rules 2. Have fun 3. Go say hi to the loosers in the chatbox (they don't bite (much)) 4. Don't feed the trolls Well that was 4 but still, welcome. ♥ Sky
Welcome New guy, i have a tip for you: Watch out for sky she likes to be intimate with everyone she sees.
Congratz your doing a wonderful job of it atm. Anyway welcome to Forgehub, Hope that your PC will be fixed soon so you could post your maps up ;D.
See what I mean about trolls and not feeding them? ^ This guy is one of the worst. Every time you see him, feel free to insult and ***** at him, he thoroughly deserves it. ♥ Sky... Out.
Stevo is one of the worst trolls, besides Sp3c0p5grunt of course. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually more like welcome to potatohub. If you don't know what im talking about, GOOGLE IT.