i need editing help, i currently have a dazzler dvc 100. i have downloaded several video studio programs such as....sony vegas pro8, corel prox4, ulead video studio 11 plus, ulead video studio 8,9,10,11, and i have even downloaded pinnacle. i just recently downloaded amcap but i can not edit my videos once i have capped them and moved them to a editing program because it appears to laggy in the video. i am serious about making a montage and would love to make one. but i currently am not knowledgable about the materials and how to get them set up. My main problem is most programs say my cap card is not working properly. i have reinstalled many programs because of this and nothing positive has resulted. if anyone can help please message me in full detail. or if you need editing practice yourself i wouldnt mind you using my clips for practice on a minitage as long as i got credit of course. thank you
I'm pretty sure that video lags because either A) Your computer doesn't have the recommended specs, or B) The capture card is encoding at a rate to fast for the computer to handle. With the main problem, did your capture card come with software? Did you try re-installing that?
yes i have re installed the program several times on 2 different computers the desktop is not the newest but my laptop is less than a few months old. and i am capturing it 30fps to fast?
Now I'm not sure if this is the problem you're having, but to the best of my knowledge from past experience the program you're using to cap, which if I'm correct that comes standard with the DVC 100 is Dazzle DVD Recorder records in .IFO and .VOB which are DVD formats (hence why it's called Dazzle DVD Recorder) and the problem with that is there aren't many programs that use it (like Vegas Pro and Adobe Suite programs for example). What you can do is either A)Get yourself a copy of Sony Vegas Platinum Pro 9 or 10; either will work fine, they can read DVD format and are essentially downgraded versions of Vegas Pro. I personally don't think you'll need more than this for starting off video editing. B)Convert the file format with SUPER video converter which is free to download.
i believe i will try downloading the platinum thank you. what will the super video converter do and why do i need it
SUPER video converter converts the video file lol. It works pretty well but if you're going to use platinum pro anyways then you don't really need the video converter. here it is though anyways- SUPER ©
ok now i have the vegas platinum you mentioned downloaded. after i downloaded it i went to capture and there is no preview. i searched in preferences fiddling to see what i could do nothing so far. then i noticed that my decice wasnt detected. but a message box keeps coming up saying "make sure your dazzler dvc 100 is not being run by any other program and that it is on."
have you tried updating your drivers? and not just from the cd; you actually have to go onto pinnacle's site to find the most up to date one.
ok well i havent that i know of and im not really sure on how to go about doing that? reinstall the program that came with the cap device?
No, go onto pinnacle's site and find the driver for it. If i recall correctly you'll need your product key. EDIT: http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/SupportFiles/Hardware_Installer/readmeHW10.htm
the product key is what again? [br][/br]Edited by merge: im sorry i am not very knowledgeable in all of this and i am at the website at pinnacle and having a hard time trying to find what i am looking for
never mind, i don't think you need it if you use my link. but it's the 25 or so series of letter and numbers used to activate a product EDIT: I'll help you out. Here's the driver for 32bit Windows 7/Vista, and here's the driver if you have 64 bit Win 7/vista. Since I don't know which version your operating system is, choose the one you have.
well thank you for the help and im sorry for the ignorant questions. if i have ne questions do you mind me pming you?
this is the error i am still getting note the message box....it notices the type of capture device i have....then look towards the bottom it says no capture device noticed.
Ok, so I don't know what's up with sony vegas's capture software, but why do you need it? The cap card should have come with it's own software to capture stuff. I had a dvc 100 at one point. As for importing it into editing software, make sure your file extension is a .wmv A .avi will work as well but it will be choppy and hard to edit unless you have great specs on your computer.