First before i go into everything i want to say, most of you will propably see this as a complaint thread and it will probably be locked in about a day because i seem to be a very hated person on this website...... anyway..... Here are some things that i think Bungie should fix on grifball.... -The Hammer Guys VS. The Sword Guys First of all, there seems to be a very big difference in the sword and the hammer in grifball. For one, many poeple who go up against the bomb carrier end up losing,unless they have a sword. And most of the time people never get the bomb carrier in less than 2-3 hits of the hammer. One last thing, if you get a bulltrue medal as the hammer guy, you should be dead afterwards, meaning, someone shouldn't kill you if you have already killed them, The Bomb Carrier Either he can lunge or he can't. Seriously though, a lot of the time the bomb carrier lunges at you and easily kills you. but then, as many people have told me, they can never lunge. So i think Bungie should make the bomb carrier have either all lunge attacks or no lunge at all. In my experience, i have never been able to lunge as the bomb carrier, hell most of the time i can be right in somebodies face and not kill them. One last thing, Bungie should have just made the bomb carrier have more health, not faster speed. Things to consider -Make the game sort of like Call of Duty, where the bomb has a timer, mainly so people can't go and plant the bomb in the first 7-8 seconds of the match. -If a team member constantly is betraying, then give the team a betrayal booting option -To stop the problem of spawn-trapping, give everyone a 1-2 second moment of invincability when they spawn, just to give them enough time to atleast get away from their own spawn point. Well these are just some things for Bungie to maybe consider. I'll be waiting to see all the people tell me to stop complaining, because like i said, i seem to be very hated on this site,
Hold up bro, seriously. There's quite a bit here that's problematic (Your post). You want the core gameplay value of grifball changed. Things like spawn camping, planting quickly e.t.c are core gameplay mechanics, not problems. Melee trade is a huge problem (where the person dies even after getting a bulltrue and such), and I'm hoping it's fixed in a title update. In terms of the lunge, it's perfect, it works fine. The people complaining are the ones who aren't timing the melee right, so they aren't getting lunge. As for the speed, HELL NO. The bomb carrier has to be faster, changing that is a horrible idea. The bomb being planted very quickly into the game is not a problem. That's like saying there should be invincibility for everyone for 10 seconds at the start of a game of Swat. Betrayal booting isn't there because of the serious amount of accidental betrayals in grifball. If you're betrayed, betray the person back. As for spawn invincibility, hell no. Spawn camping is a tactic in grifball, which is easy enough to break out of as it is. That's all my opinion. Lastly, you aren't hated on the site. If you're getting hate, it's through fault of your own, perhaps you were a Jackass. Who knows.
Players with under a 1.0 K/D should be banned from playing outside of Grifball and Action Sack. That's what I think needs to be fixed with Grifball. Bungie probably wouldn't do that, but in all seriousness, Grifball really doesn't need fixing. This thread could have, and should have ended on the first post. The point has been made. The playlist is fine. We still need a true-skill system, though.
I agree with alot of what your're saying about grifball, I stopped playing it because of spawn trapping, sure it's a tactic, a ****ing boring one. But that's grifball, see there's all these annoying kids that like to brag about KD ratio and killtaculars and all that (we used to brag about playing sport), but where's the skill in spawn trapping? Its like shooting fish in a barrel, sure its fun for a few minutes. You can just do what I did, make your own version but dont call it grifball, because you'll be "hated" by "annoying kids". I made the players spawn behind a one way shield with a soft kill zone in it which equals zero spawn camping. But then this is all for customs, I don't think bungie will ever change grifball much so take it or leave it.
Breaking out of a spawn trap in Grifball is one of the easiest things that can be done. The fact that you got spawn trapped in Grifball just means that you weren't good enough to win anyways. Also, if you think spawn trapping takes no skill, then you probably haven't been outside the Grifball playlist in some time. Spawn trapping takes teamwork, communication, and individual skill, and if you aren't almost perfect with at least one of those three things, a spawn trap cannot be done. It's not just walk towards the spawn and swing your hammer to get easy kills on everything. It's much more complicated than that.
Though I think OP doesn't have enough experience or understanding of grifball to suggest improvements about it. If Spawn Trapping is getting behind all 4 spawns killing them all repeatedly and not scoring (because I don't see how else you could be "trapped") That is not a valid grifball technique it's a glitch/break that people can use to rack up kills/medals.
Spawn trapping is simply the act of sitting at someones spawn killing them. It is a grifball tactic, and it's also easy as HELL to break out of.
Grifball Spawn Trapping is easy as hell. Get off your high-horse. As for the main topic: Grifball is fine the way it is. It's a fast, easily playable casual game.
Let me just preface this post by saying that I think Grifball is a dumb minigame that doesn't deserve its own playlist and that the only reason it is in matchmaking at all is because it was made by Rooster Teeth. A betrayal booting option would be unfair because its very easy to accidentally betray someone. One think I have been saying since Grifball first made its debut in Halo 3 is, WHY IS THERE TEAM DAMAGE AT ALL? Honestly, just take it out. No it doesn't unless you're playing in some MLG style grifball game. I have spawn trapped by myself without difficulty, honestly it isn't difficult at all.
Well you could see how I am confused on the terminology. Basically you say its sitting at a spawn killing someone/s meaning they fought there way there and have no where else to go besides kill you till they die. But Is saying, It requires a team. If 2 or more people are at your spawn killing you the game will be over within a few seconds. Which just means spawn trapping is a required technique if your going to score by force. Either way its going to happen if we like it or not. OT:I would only change that if you kill someone with a sword you shouldn't die by a hammer so easily.(You know those times you both die when you obviously had the advantage.)
Even if the complete enemy team is just standing next to every spawn and are constantly swinging their Hammer while they have extreme network superiority while your team consists of a bunch of Warrant Officcers? I bet you are one of those jerks that has extreme network superiority all the time and thinks he's a pro because you can kill people with a Hammer at ranges where the enemy can't even drain a bit of your health. I never spawn kill, what i do do, is stand a few metres infront of the enemy Capture Plate, and enemies, as soon as they spawn, they'll try to kill me, i'll just stand there and fight off the hordes of enemies till i die but i won't stand next to a spawn constantly swinging my Hammer so people die as soon as they Spawn.
perfect griffball game includes the following: -less spam with hammers(the (reloading) or swinging with them is far to fast) ~causes- more swords players, less spawn kill, harder to kill guy with bomb -health packs should be taken out and have a slow recharge of health (to prevent bomb camping) -evade and spring off......... everything will then turn out just fine in my opinion but the main problem is those pesky hammers
Darn it, you got it all wrong. The problem with Grifball is very simple, it's the ball. Without that stupid ball, there would be no need for spawn-trapping. People wouldn't care about sword guys vs. hammer guys. Without the ball, there wouldn't be a ball carrier, and that ridiculous ball carrier is so annoying. I swear, every single time I go to kill him, he just dances around, or runs in and punches me in the face. Why does he do that? What makes him so special? I'll tell you, it's the ball. Grifball can be a much better sport, and that's the way to fix it. All of our dreams can come true.
So you want Slayer to encourage everyone to spawn trap? Grifball was a terrible and unfixable gametype to begin with. That isn't going to change. And funny how you think Grifball is a sport. It's a gametype within a game. In other words, the exact opposite. Did you really need to revive this dumb thread to post this?
Network superiority? I use satellite internet, which averages about 400kbps download speed. It's insanely slow. However, I don't lag all too often on live. However, kill delay is a problem for me, especially in grifball, because when I get the kill hit, it can take up to 2 seconds if the net is being slow for the kill to register. I still manage to kick ass in grifball. As for spawn killing, when I said sitting at the enemy spawn killing them, I meant being at their spawn, not sitting beside a spawn point with a teammate mashing the right trigger. I do the same as you when I reach the enemy spawn. I stand a little bit away from the capture plate in the middle, and kill whoever attacks me. You standing there is still spawn killing, because they've just spawned, and have to fight to get out. Is it my fault if I manage to time my swings a little better than them? Hardly, I fought up there by myself, and I'm securing an opening for the bomb carrier to score. I don't go into the playlist with 3 friends, have one hold the bomb and we mash their spawns for kills all day. That's just dickish. As said, the majority of people have better connection than me, but I still play, and I still manage to do half decent. I enjoy the game, that's why I play it. I usually play with one other friend, and between my brute forcing up to their spawns, and his unusual ninja skills with the bomb, we can score pretty damn fast.
Grifball has always been this way. Kill trading happened a hell of a lot in halo 3 as well. I'd say most of the "problems" you mention are either just part of the grifball experience, or they are better in reach than they were in halo 3. There is absolutely no way to get rid of spawn killing. The trick is to get good at spinning and hitting right as you spawn. I almost never get trapped with that strategy, or at least not for very long. As for lag, anyone remember how ****ing laggy almost EVERY game of grifball was in halo 3? In reach its been vastly improved, in my opinion Here's in an idea. If you hate it so much, why don't you go play something else? rather than complain about a bunch of stuff that really can't be changed.