
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Locke087, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Locke087

    Here it is guys the finalized version of Facade for you all to enjoyed. thank you for the feedback that made it possible to bring you this version of facade. Enjoy!

    Map Screenshots
    Loadout Camera
    Red Overview
    Blue Overview
    Red Side View
    Blue Side View
    Blue lift
    Red lift
    Green pathway
    Orange pathway
    Green under path
    Orange under path
    Sniper Rifle/Middle Overview
    Shotgun (somewhat outdated)
    Blue Grenade Launcher(behind the cover show in the pic)/tactical jump 1
    Red Grenade Launcher(behind the cover show in the pic)/tactical jump 1
    Blue tactical jump 2
    Red tactical jump 2

    Map Design Intent

    Best Gametypes: Team Slayer, Any team objective gametype

    Supported Gametypes: everything but race and invasion.

    This is a small simplistic reflectively symmetrical map. The beauty of this is in it's simplistic nature it is easy to learn, has great flow, and is fun to play. All side are colored to help navigation throughout the map. I have also added a lot of elevation changes to the map to make the map feel more natural and so you can not sweep. If you are getting lost don't over think it when you are in the tunnel everything is colored to tell you where exit lead and so forth. With getting lost I have done all I can in that department to help you out, and you are just going to have to learn the map.

    Weapon Setup: T=spawn time C=clips S=standard
    2 Assault rifles T:S C:S
    6 DMRs T:S C:S
    6 Needle Rifles T:S C:S
    2 Plasma Rifles T:S
    2 Needlers T:90 C:S
    2 Plasma Pistols T:90
    2 Grenade Launchers T:120 C:2
    1 Shotgun T:120 C:1
    1 Sniper Rifle T:180 C:1
    6 Frag Grenades T:45
    6 Plasma Grenades T:45

    Budget Remaining: $3050
    Overall performance: No Z-fighting, and No Lag.
    Split Screen Framerate Rating: Perfect.

    Download Link:Facade

    Thank you for your time please comment, thumb and download
    #1 Locke087, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  2. Ramen 6378

    Ramen 6378 Forerunner

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    I'm picking up an urban feel to this, which I personally enjoy a lot. The simplistic nature, along with the well-done color orientation, seems to live up to your description of a map that's easy to pick up right off the bat. I'll give it a download and see for myself.
  3. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Urban?. I guess I can see where you are getting that. Thank you for the comment.
  4. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I remember seeing this map a while ago with you. As far as inversely symmetrical maps go, this one was pretty unique, and I love unique maps. Honestly, if someone makes the most balanced map ever, but it provides the same old gameplay, I won't take too much interest in it. Facade is unique and fun, and it's architecture is very interesting, though I also would not say it's urban.

    I'd recommend a download!
  5. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ya that is what I was thinking that this doesnt look urban at all. I believe you only saw the very first version of this that had absolutely nothing to it. I don't remember if you ever got a chance to play on it though you did walk thought it with me need to make sure you get to play this.

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