Lodging is a symmetrical map based on a Ski Resort location, next to the waterfall. It has a Zipline, which is One Way shields pointed towards the ceiling and cannonmans for easy access. It has 1 Rocket(1 clip) 1 GL ( 2 or 3 clips) 2 Focus Rifles, 2 Needle rifles 2 Needlers 2 Plasma Repeaters and nades. Built upon trust of an avalanche, afflicted by the environment. Pics: Overview View over middle In front of base sniper tower In front of zipline Zipline! Fun to go through, or jetpack on lift All your base. Video Download link(v1.3) V1.1- Adds cover, changes one way shield lifts to gravity lifts. V1.2- Slightly rotates walls on rails of zipline to cancel damage, Corner 2x2s changed to 4x4s V1.3- Completely reworked Red and Blue base. Layout is unchanged aside from roof of base.
Wow at first glance this map looked average with a cool little zipline idea. It turns out the map was so much more then that. The bottom center structure were the nade launcher spawn is awesome. I noticed you put a soft kill on the zipline which I think is a great idea the only thing is that the zipline actually hurts you, might I suggest a lighter man cannon. Also why do you have to jump into those elevators, it breaks the flow of the map slightly, it wouldn't hurt to throw in one more shield door at the bottom of those. After that it's just a matter of a little more cover and a few more aesthetic touch up and you have one the best map I have seen in reach.
Thanks for feedback. I was trying to use a regular cannon man rather than a heavy, but it took roughly about 6 seconds to get across, myself i like a 2 second umm...zip. Unfortunately, the Softkill i had to remove due to objectives dissapearing and upsetting players. I recently updated the map to have slightly more cover on the lower grounds, particularly around the sniper tower... Oh and to be more traditional to players and conserve my own budget, I've replaced the lifts with gravity lifts. Thanks again
At first I was unsure about this but the video really sold me on it. I absolutely love the man cannon set up with what I'm guessing is shield doors to keep you afloat as you go across. I couldn't really tell from the pictures but from an aesthetics standpoint is the map "attached" to the cliff side?
Nice map with some innovative ideas, but have you thought of using a different piece to fill in the corner gaps on the top level? There is a piece that is bigger than the one you are currently using, and I think it would fit the gap better.
Yes, behind the wall coliseums, and they are One Way shields red-side up.Thanks You mean the corner 2x2's? Im fixing them right now, so there is more mobility. It also looks a bit better. Thanks.
While the large-scale use of objects like bridges or standard buildings (room, triple) are often a sign of laziness or unoriginality, your map stands out from the crowd by interesting use of scenery and aesthetics. I haven't played the map yet, but judging from the video (great job on that btw, it's well worth the effort) I would like to make a few comments. Firstly, a 'hidden power weapon' like your sniper rifle on a competitive map is rarely a good idea, since it gives players more familiar to the map a huge advantage. Also, it is rather close to a semi-power weapon, the grenade launcher. I'd suggest moving the sniper to where the GL is now, and getting rid of the sniper platform altogether (unless it serves another gameplay purpose, but I couldn't see that in the video). Also, welcome to Forgehub and great job on your first post!
It's his seconds post btw... but Jonah thats what i was trying to say about the bridges and room triples thats it seems lazy but not so much that its lazy but that this map seems like its mainly two bases of room triples connected with bridges, there needs to be more flat areas for more mobility also the top of the map seems like it would be overpowering looking down on the rest of the map with such a vantage point besides these things... great map that plays well with an original layout and is great for CTF slayer and other gametypes fun map with original ideas such as the zipline which i used in my first map i made but nvr posted yet overall it is a GREAT map just for that first guy that commented i know you were trying to sound nice but its not the best my in reach, the featured map are, but still this map is awesome
Thank you for feedback, but there is no sniper...(unless some joined me and placed one??) The sniper towers next to the base have focus rifles,because i feel as though 2 snipers would be to many.The center(under the column) contains a rocket with 1 spare clip. However, i do agree with you. I kinda don't like the bases either. They waste money, and are not original. I will make an attempt next time i'm on to change the bases. Thanks again Posted, along with pic
I checked this out and I have to say bravo for thinking of the ski resort idea before me. I just about conked my head on my desk when I realized this had never even crossed my mind. Anyways, heres my pro/con list for your map. Pro-Structures remind me of a real ski lodge, especially the center tower. -The zipline is phenomenal, It is both immensley practical and beautifully implemented. -The focus rifle towers are very well placed, and the grav lifts going into them work well. -The little aesthetic touches like the binoculars were just awesome. Top notch on those! -Your map inspired me to start work on my own ski map Con-While the structures are quite good, I can't stand maps that are connected so much by bridges and ramp bridges. They really restrict where you can go when being attacked, really leaving you to charge or retreat or jump off into the kill zone. Just for future reference, this is something you should try to limit. -You may want to limit the shots in the rocket launcher to 2, 4 is a lot for a 4 v. 4 map with no vehicles. -the respawns in the red/blue bases at the top level are not in a good place, as you get hurt after dropping down from them. Besides, with nothing else up there they are safe, but unnecessary. -There are assault respawn areas around the green/orange spawns. There is no bomb there that I can see, so maybe you thought it made people respawn there for that game? It actually is for the bomb to respawn, and needs to just go around it. Not sure what happened there. Good job all around, expect some competition though, this is a great idea for a variety of game types!
Its about time someone commented on the binoculars! lol anyway, Thanks for the reviewing. It about sums my thoughts up as well. The rockets I believe are fair. After some playtesting sessions, I feel as though if it had two this part of the map would be less valued. As for shooting it, some shots are long distance such as middle to base, and uncommonly does a rocket fly out by the zipline. I've reworked the base entirely, no more colossal scaled buildings. The assault respawn is a 'bomb away' label, and i think if you were to look at a default map, they do the same. Even though i sorta havent playtested assault :[ I am surprised you took time to look actually! Anyway thanks for taking time to comment.
There's nothing inherently wrong with walkways and bridges, it's just something that's difficult to pull off well. The two biggest problems with the walkways here are the lack of options on the walkways and the lack of cover. When placing cover on walkways like this, someone should almost always be able to take cover before being killed if they act quickly. They should also have some choice as to where they go besides forward or backward. Most of the bridges and platforms have only two entrances so they automatically tend towards the habit of making long unbranching walkways. You can never have too many branches in the walkways because each option about movement makes the game more interesting.
If the bases are changed then I'll re-download and check it out again. I'll take your word on the rockets, but honestly I think there will be a huge rush for the rockets no matter how many shots it has. I was on the default map when I saw the respawn zones, and whether its a "bomb away" label or a "bomb spawn" label or a "CTF away" label it still has no effect on human spawns, only on if the bomb will respawn at the "bomb return" spot, which I believe was in the bases. Maybe I'm missing something still, but maybe just try moving those up to the bases if assault doesn't work. And I have made a start on my challenger map, but don't worry, it's nothing like yours. Though those binoculars are pretty cool...
I like the new bases, they still give off a great vibe like the old ones, but are more appropriately sized. I love how everything in your map gives off somewhat of an Eskimo feel, all of the architecture reminds me of the Vancouver Olympic Stadium! The bases may be a tad easy to throw grenades into because of the open roof, but it is hard to tell where the people are inside it so no big deal. You might want to update your pictures though now that you've made such a large change. Once again, Great map! Hope it goes a long way my friend!
Yea i like the bases more too now. The thing is i WAS trying to place a roof, but everytime i descended to the main platform it lagged hugely. I'm still trying to find a way to counter low FPS. I do have a picture up, its in the updates list. I'll delete the spoiler function now.
Through out all the times I've play tested this it has been loads of fun. The zip line is a brilliant idea and works flawlessly with the map. I don't see why you removed the soft kill boundary but as long as you kept one on the seat on that zip line and the metal one that doesn't move. It resembles a ski resort very well. The only thing I didn't like was there was hardly and cover or ascetics on the walkways to the bottom or in the back. I hope you fixed that in the update. That's all I have to say and can't wait to see the new bases.
I actually love all the different levels and pathways. I would have to agree with FlyingshoeILR, If you only had a few pathways. But sense you have a tangled web of pathways guiding you through the map I don't think that it limits your decisions. Im sorry but I do not thing the SKI Resort idea fits your map at all. The bonaculars are the only item that actually works for that Idea. But i would say that this is an great map and has good gameplay and I'll leave it at that.
You really have outdone yourself this time!!! DAMN! that center piece is really nice! and i like the GRAV lifts!! but is there a way where when you get off of em it doesn't hurt you? KEEP up the good WORK!!!
too busy playing it I have had this map since you first posted and have played it to rave reviews dozens of times. Always a crowd favorite esp for slayer. Zipline is perfect hardly ever a glitch, and quite a few amazing shots or sticks from it to the main central platform. Jet packs are a must in the original version. Love that you put spawns up high in the bases. 5star!