New Machinima that has increased in quality with each episode. Please give feedback and if you like it pass it around to your friends. Oh, and click the subscribe button if you would, please. YouTube - THE LAST DAWN-Chapter Three: "New Enemies" (Halo Reach Machinima)‏
the cinematics look cool, but im not a fan of machinima's so im not watching it all... lmao also can i ask how you lower weapons in reach?
Well... thanks I guess. Uhm, depending on your controls. Bumper jumper is. A+B+Down on D-pad+press in right thumb stick. So whatever a and b are, they're mixed with the other controls.
lol, well im saying the only thing i cant comment on it whether or not its funny/ has good dialogue... also thanks for the info!!
No problem. Keep on making your screen shots. [br][/br]Edited by merge: So it can get 54 views but no one will watch it? Really? [br][/br]Edited by merge: ...right.
Nice video,well by Machmina of course. But thanks for showing everyone. by the way the red guy is fricking hilarious.