Safe Areas?? So I've been trying to make maps for a while now, and one thing that keeps me rather confused is the use of safe areas. It seems like i can't get a map to work right unless there is at least one safe area for players to spawn in. But, for larger maps I have to cover the entire play area in multiple safe areas, as you cant make one big enough to cover the entire area. Am I the only one with this issue or am I all fockered up? Thanks.
Safe areas can cover massive amounts of playing space. Unless you are using most of Forge World, it won't be a problem.
You shouldn't be safe zones to spawn players safely. Also, an easy alternative to using safe zones, is using soft/hard kill zones.
If you do not want to use them, then the entire Forge World is playable. Once you put one down, then only those area in a Safe Boundary are playable. You might find Safe Zones and Kill Zones a help...
One thing I haven't figured out though, is why if I don't have any safe areas up; Players fall to their death every time they spawn.
Maybe youve placed your spawn points in Out Of Bounds areas on Forgeworld. These are usually cliff areas around the map where there are thickets of trees. Either that or your spawns are too far underneath water or something. Does this problem only occur when youre playing a custom game or when youre in Forge as well?
Well, if you put the map on your file share I will look at it tonight. Send me a link to the map on your file share. I should be able to answer your question in just a few minutes of forging. OR - I will be getting on in a few minutes. We can forge it together if you want. Send MrGreenWithAGun an invite.