This is my first upload, Ghost Town! Welcome to a town abandoned after the attack on Reach. Now it is simply another one of many towns forgotten with time. This map works best with Slayer Variants, but can also be played with any of the games listed at the top.
Umm, ok... Welcome to FH I guess... If this map is for competitive gametypes, it is recommended that you list the weapons/vehicles on the map. Also, how come you can't go in the buildings?? I'm sure that you could make that happen... Just sayin' , it would make the map a lot better
You do realize that Ghost Town is the name of an extremely well known Halo 3 map? It's just that an original name would be more fitting.
A Ghost Town remake is actually what I thought the map would be... Until I realized that would be a difficult task
Well it's to late for him/her to do that now, the map's posted. Unless, he/she changes it so you can go inside the houses
I've actually been doubly disappointed today with a waterworks on the home page as well, two remakes that I've been waiting a long time for. Beyond that, I too would make the buildings, open inside to make the map unique, also the outside area has no cover and will likely cause problems. Welcome to Forgehub
If you look on the Custom Search, you can find some pretty accurate remakes. You just have to be patient until you find one you like. There is even Sandtrap.