Awesome shot of me and three friends (iNinjatastic, Komodo Overlord, and Bailey Bros) showing off our armor effects. I'm the one with the turret and Pestilence, Ninja is the guy crouching rocking the Eternal look, Komodo is the big ass Elite with Inclement Weather, and Bailey Bros is the monkey-lookin' fella in the corner with the Legendary effect. Go like it/download the high res on : Halo Reach : File Details
lol it's funny because he corrected it and whenever someone looks at it they'll think you're retarded. ACTUALLY ABOUT THE SCREENSHOT I'v never been a fan of people showing off their armor effects and mocking me for being a major grade 2... =(
I think people will think I'm right then read over this post and realize you're right. Also make sure your posts have more then one sentence or you can get infracted. (You see what I did there?)