
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by styxman34, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
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    "The many years have not been kind to this myterious structure."

    YouTube - ‪Halo: Reach Forge Map - Perrenial‬‏

    Perrenial is a small, symmetrical map designed for two teams of 2 or 3, or a free-for-all of about 6 players. Gameplay is pretty hectic, and it makes for some great FFA action. IT supports all gametypes except for Invasion and Race variants. FFA Slayer or FFA Crazy King is recommended.

    The map is my smallest released map so far. There is two-floored structure in the center, and on either side, a catwalk leading to he small red or blue base. Each end of the catwalk leads to either the bottom or top floor (so many choices!). The end that leads to the bottom carries a DMR.

    The main structure in the middle is where most of the action goes on. On the bottom floor, one end has a grenade launcher and a health pack, and is behind the ramps to the top floor, and the other end has a Lockout-style Grav-lift (lift in the center, two drop-down shafts on either side), and nearby, a needle rifle and two plasma grenades resting on the center pillar. Halfway up the ramps is a platform that holds a DMR. The top floor is the center of the action. At one end is the ramp to the bottom, and the other is the lift exit (and the two shafts to jump down). Near the lift exit is a statue thing (I have no idea what to call it) and on the side facing the lift exit is a shotgun, and the side opposite to that are two plasma grenades. Just above the ramps to the bottom floor is a plasma pistol.

    Weapons (spare clips/respawn time)
    • 3x DMR (2/30)
    • 1x Shotgun (1/120)
    • 1x Grenade Launcher (5/90)
    • 1x Needle Rifle (2/30)
    • 1x Plasma Pistol (NA/30)
    • 4x Plasma Grenades (NA/15)
    Supported Gametypes
    • Slayer Variants
    • CTF Variants
    • Assault Variants
    • Infection Variants
    • Territories Variants
    • Stockpile Variants
    • King of the Hill Variants
    • Headhunter Variants
    • Oddball Variants


    Loadout Camera:














    Download Perrenial

  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Wow, let me just say that I would have DL'd the map just for the centerpiece, if I hadnt cracked down on my DL-ing. Keep up the good work!
  3. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    Looks like a good map. It looks small, but I'm guessing that is to make the gameplay more hectic. One thing I am worried about is spawning. Are those two catwalks outside the structure the only places to spawn?

    Anyways, looks like a great map with great aethstetics: good work.
  4. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    There are spawns on the catwalks, on the red/blue platforms, and all throughout the building in the center.
  5. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    I love the 2v2 maps and this seems to fit the bill! Some of the areas appear a bit 'busy'. But overall the aesthetics seem A+. Great Job!
  6. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    The only two things that I might change would be the braces on the outside and the cover on the XL platform outside. The braces on the walkways have been done a lot (Even Bungie did it). The cover on the platform looks odd to me how it over hangs. These problems aren't major so you don't have to fix your map. They are more of pointers for next time, and if you were to make a new version of the map, they are things to keep in mind.

    The center piece is amazing. I have not seen anything quite like it. You really used the full potential of the brace piece here. Also, the map looks very hectic and fun to play on. 2v2 maps are nice because you don't have to have a huge party to play them.

    In the future I think it would be a good idea if you placed your maps on some sort of stand or base. This would make your weapons stand out more from the rest of the map, and they are easier to find.

    The shotgun seems to dominate the map. For a map of this size I would suggest reducing the clip size of it. Twelve shots for the shotgun was too many.

    I hope that my feedback has helped you.
    #6 Knight Of 0rder, Jun 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
  7. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Centerpiece is cool but that's about all you have going.

    Why would you spawn people facing towards the back of the map? Those are almost as bad as spawns facing walls. The arrow shows where you're going to face. Why would I want to face my team? I'm going to have to spin around 180 degress everytime I spawn. Spawns should always face the center of the map and you don't need a million of them.

    The lights need to go. The framerate drop in the center is very bad. EVen without them all of the objects in there still cause performance issues.
  8. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
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    Well, at least I know you looked at it.

    I'm assuming that you mean the spawns on the platform outside of the building. I could have done without the respawns facing away, but I prefer to have at least 8 initial spawns for red and blue team, on the off chance that someone would play an 8v8 game.

    As for the framerate drop, I never noticed any, even with the lights on. I did, however notice it while in forge around the centerpiece, due to all of the extra objects onscreen. I played with 8 people on it (which is a little more than recommended), I had no trouble with the FPS, nor did anybody in my party.
  9. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    I like IT! uhm i just want to say keep woorking with it cuz it helps meall the time in the end it cant be better!
    Ask your friends of things that would be cool.
  10. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If your map isn't built to support 8v8 you don't need the extra spawns. If people play 8v8 on it, it's their fault, not yours. You don't need to over-accommodate your map. Consider 8v8 a gametype just as race or invasion. If people want to race, they play a race map. If people want to play BTB, they play a BTB map.
    #10 Goat, Jun 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
  11. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You have a good point. I don't expect anybody to play an 8v8 game on it, but if they wanted it to be extremely hectic, I guess they could. I make my maps compatible with every standard gametype and party size possible, with the exceptions of race and invasion (usually). It's just best to be prepared.
  12. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's good to be prepared I agree; however, at some point we must realize that we can't cater to ever crowd with every map. For example, a map like Kingdom wouldn't make sense with Infection spawns set up. Zombies wouldn't even be able to move.

    Don't mean to sound harsh by the way. Just trying to help a fellow forger out.

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