Remake NEO-HEADLONG complete all locations

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by lordcrusnik1986, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. lordcrusnik1986

    lordcrusnik1986 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is The first complete headlong experience, thats right complete remaster of the halo 2 map headlong. 5 continious days of head bashing and fitting created this map you see today. My 8th city map [Now im taking a few months off from forge] lol. I want to apologize to the people that wanted to map test I got to thinking of complications that might arrize with that and scratched that idea. However its been play tested and and if anyone finds any complications i will update the map.
    [Note: complications do not include areas that may not exist or exploits i intentionally left out for fainess lol. You know what im talking about.]
    Anyway enjoy: Discuss: Play

    Update: changes.
    -both gravlifts are there
    -Door to red base near unfinished building is now there
    -banshee is in different location
    -more weapon choices
    -rocks along unfinished road are there
    and the bigest problem is now fixed unfinished building is detailed precise to halo 2 configuration (meaning all ramps leading up to top are there in both sections.
    and bridges connect from unfinished building to correct locations instead of manncannon.
    Now it is near perfection, and is no longer a reinvision.
    However if there are any problems please just let me know politely and they will get resolved. (NOTE: still cannot place beam that tilts in and cannot change blue base as mountian is in the way i wish i could.
    screens: dcrusnik1986
    map: 71&player=lordcrusnik1986
    download2.0 instead please. : Halo Reach : File Details




    #1 lordcrusnik1986, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  2. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    "Yeah, I think he's right, I may have just torqued in my pants" is the only quote I can think of off of the top of my head to express how awesome this map is. Great job dude
  3. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Definetly a good remake. I love the look of the walls colliesums making up the rest of the city. But what about the beam? the beam connecting block 1 tall building to the crane platform?
  4. lordcrusnik1986

    lordcrusnik1986 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    simply ran low on items, couldnt put the beam in and have one more crane

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded and walked around. I assume this is suppose to be loosely based on the map because it is far off from the original layout. Also you say it's the first full Headlong experience when I have played on 2 or 3 good remakes of this map before that were more true to the original layout.

    You remake does have an original look to it though.
  6. lordcrusnik1986

    lordcrusnik1986 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It is a reimagining sorry if i had mislead people it was not intentional, i will be working later on an update to it including more specific inside access though it is a good remake, it is not meant to be exact to a t, it includes all locations just formated different.

    Edited by merge:

    I updated the map, download link in description and major changes included
    #6 lordcrusnik1986, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011

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