Hello! It's Zop, and I have forged a city for you today. It's supposed to be an upscale commercial district in a large city. The budget and forge piece cap was the major problem. Not much else to be said, so here are the pictures. Video Walkthrough: I just got a video for this before it dies. YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map: Post Nuclear War City‏ Thank you for your time.
God this looks amazing. This really feels like a city to me. It reminds me of Chronopolis from Halo Custom Edition. I love all of the buildings; they are great aesthetics that add greatly to the overall feel of the map. This really deserves to be downloaded by everyone. This is one of the only maps that actually feels like a city to me. My opinion about the map was generated by the pics and I have not played the map yet, but it looks to be great. Great Job on the map. Remember to keep forging!!
Hey, great map, but I was thinking of making a zombie map based in a city, and I wanted to ask if I could edit this map. Make the city look bombed and destroyed, and put up sandbags and such.
Sure thing, if you want to. The thing is, I already have a map I've made right here that probably almost exactly fits what you need.
I don't understand why few people reply to your threads man. They are really, really good. On topic: This map is beautiful, the aesthetics are amazing, and I am thoroughly impressed. (And YES, I did DL it and not base my opinion on the pictures). Cheers.
Thanks. This map is actually loosely based on Portland, Oregon. I just got back from a trip there and figured I'd forge an area of it. These are all actually real buildings, I'll upload some comparisons later.
I wanted to ask, I am creating a machinama and we were filming on this map and endgame. I almost forgot, would you allow us to use your map. You would be credited of course, but this is perfect because it has a city and it's destroyed counterpart.
Of course you may. Just be sure to credit me at the end. Also, can you send me a link to the machinima when you finish it? I wanna watch.