Curvature This is going to be my entry for the 5000 budget contest, a small map for up to six players entitled Curvature. I've had it in my head for a long time to do something close to covenant architecture in a forge map, but as we all know, the object palette makes it tough to do (and even tougher to look good). This map, I believe, pulls it off - and on a very tight budget. All I had to do was make it tiny. Plus hey, look, a tree in a map, oh em gee. Curvature will be testing for the next X number of weeks on Tuesdays in GrenadeGorilla's/Zell Greylock's/my custom game night - our threads are in the customs lobby each week.
Oh man, this is awesome. That last picture with the small circular inclines integrated flawlessly into the giant semi-circle (can't remember it's name right now) is brilliant. I can't wait to check this out. I know you can't do anything about it now, but putting the name of the contest in the title may be confusing to other people in the contest. I'd rather you just left the mention of it to the description like you've already done. No big deal though, I just don't this forum to end up with tons of "5000 budget entry" in the titles.
This map is interesting, I would volunteer to help test this. I think we should spend some time testing each others entries actually, that might be fun, to see the competition, and help each other. I dont see any covenant structure though, Its nothing you did, but Bungie just didnt give us a good pallet for Covenant structures. all greys and human-ish. I would like to try this map out though, the half-pipe looks fun!
Thanks! We'll definitely be testing this one a lot so I'm sure you'll see plenty of it. Sorry about the title, I didn't even think about that. Definitely up for some mutual testing sessions. Hit me up any time. Regarding the covenant thing, what I mean is more in the structure than the textures. Obviously nearly every forge object is gray or brown-ish gray, so I can't really make it all purple and so forth - but I tried to have very few right angles or flat, square sections; nearly everything here has curvature to it (hence the title). Even large chunks of the floor are at slowly changing angles (which believe me was freaking hard to put together and have it look halfway decent!). Basically this is as close as I could come to the fluid, curved feel of a map like Midship. And based on my only test so far, it is extremely fun bouncing grenades off all those curved surfaces...
0.0 that sounds like so much fun.... have sent you a friend request on xbox, whenever Im doing customs you are welcome to join me. From my early tests the map I made for the contest is quite good as well, but I would like to hear opinions of those who actually forge. Thats where you come in. Of course I want to test this out as well, looks like fun and that grenade thing you mentioned, yes. just yes.
Looks sweet! I wouldn't mind helping with some tests too. I have a couple maps that could use a little help too...well one is basically done, just needs testing. The other has some work still I think. But yeah, I think you managed to do a pretty good job making a more fluid structure like the covenant. Well done. Is your GT same as your Username?
One sugesstion, after playing on this the other day I think spawning needs work. The Berb and I were always, I mean always, spawning next to each other. he usually beat me... that jerk. anyway you should look at a way to fix that. I assume it was a bit worse because it was a 6 man FFA but still something to consider.
Truthfully I'm not sure it's possible. I made another small map previously (even smaller than this one, meant for no more than 4 players) and it was like it just confused the game - people would spawn 6 feet from each other even though there were better spawn points elsewhere. I'm curious to see how it goes in team games and smaller games (4 players ideally), and hopeful that it will be less of an issue. But basically, the small size makes it physically difficult - there's not many "safe" spawning areas with six people running around - and the game's spawn logic seems to make it worse. I did however adjust the locations of the FFA starting spawns - I thought they were pretty good but Berb took off at a dead sprint and ended up behind somebody else (you?) within the game's first few seconds. I'm therefore relocating the initial spawn you were on to a slightly better place. One thing I am thinking of doing is adding a few more spawn points and setting some of the existing ones to TEAM ONLY. That way there will be only so many spawn points available for FFA, and they'll be sprinkled around the map as evenly as possible. That still won't help much with spawning right next to someone that is running up behind or beside you, but it's all I can do. I tried fixing this on my previous map with a bunch of small neutral spawn zones and it didn't do a thing to help. I made some other changes last night as well - fixed the "vents" Berb was escaping from (which I had thought were too small to fit into, but clearly not!), and replaced some of the floor pieces to reduce budget and slightly simplify the design. I doubt you guys would even notice the difference, but there's a small one. -- EDIT - I went over the spawn points just now and did pretty much what I said above. Basically I thinned out the existing points by setting the redundant ones in most clusters to TEAM ONLY - that way there's only so many available in FFA and they are as separated and non-cheap as possible, for the most part. So if two players spawn simultaneously, hopefully you won't be that close to the other guy, and even if you are near he won't be behind you or something. I also added four spawn points to some out-of-the-way places, two of which are set to FFA ONLY. We'll give it a run at some point to see how it goes, but I'm hopeful. I also think limiting FFA to 4-5 players max will help - six free agents running around creates chaos on a map this size. Six players on teams would probably be much less chaotic.
Like I said, do what you can to improve it, it is a small map, so there is a very good chance there is little that can be done, but the team only spawns was a good idea, and might make both FFA and team games more fun.
Yeah, I'm hoping! I've never gone to the trouble of having team and ffa only spawn points before (just initial spawns and spawn zones), but on a map this small it seems like it might be logical. You want to spawn next to teammates if you both die at once, but you don't want the game to even have the option to spawn you next to enemies in FFA.
Nutduster, is this smaller than Liberty? I can't tell...but I know that Liberty's slayer spawns work fine with just one big Respawn zone over the whole map and a few anti's in the more dangerous neutral zones.
Woah...we playin this tonight? I'll be looking forward to it, I've never seen the curvy covy (lulz at alliteration and assonance) style done this well before...Good job, and the game should be fun, if not only to look at the purdy aesthetics. Damn I should start working on my entry...
Yes indeed, we did play it. Though with about twice as many people as desired... ha ha! I'm going to try to get a group together later in the week (maybe this weekend) specifically to run multiple 2v2 and 4 player FFA games on it. I actually kind of enjoyed 8 player oddball even though it was way too chaotic.
You can count me in on that, I love your map and I want to test mine. The test I did after you left helped so much, I hope following ones do as well.
I'm not sure in terms of physical size, the layouts are extremely different - quite a bit of the space on this map is taken up with a large, fairly open center area that I can't safely spawn people in (though I did put one FFA-only spawn point there right next to the tree). Part of the issue may be that there's not a lot of this map that is protected from everywhere else, except for the two bases and the curved corridors which are too narrow to put more than one spawn point in apiece. I'm continuing to make small adjustments, we'll see how it goes in testing.
I didn't realize you had made this recently. When we played it I thought it was just something you made a long time ago but never posted. Personally, I LOVE this map. Speedball on it was awesome yesterday.
Thanks brox! I got to test it twice more tonight - slayer and then multi-flag, both 2v2 - and the games were good, though the teams were mismatched in game 1. I'm going to make a few more small tweaks and look to run it again more heavily this weekend and/or (probably "and") next Tuesday at CGN.
Hey, if you could go into the advanced option in the edit tab and remove the reference to the contest, I'd appreciate it. Didn't even know you could do that until just now.
Me either! will do. edit - Oops, didn't work. It removed it from the "subject" of my first post, but not the thread title. If you ask a mod they might do it - I'm happy to sign off on that.