Remake Cold Storage

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Easily the best Cole Storage remake out there at the moment. The aesthetics perfectly represent the areas from the Halo 3 version, and the forging is lovely and smooth. I think it'd be hard for a remake to be any better than this. Great job :)
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Not only do I like this version better than Halo 3's version of Cold Storage, but it also inspired my design for a map I have recently made. This is a superb map, although my concerns about Cold Storage is the same from Halo 3's, I dont like the teleporters. But the remake of it called for teleporters and thats just how it is. Very good work on this map.
  3. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's a really great remake--probably the best I've seen. However, your framerate is atrocious. There's too much object density and other stuff put in purely for aesthetic.

    You need to remove the lights and lighten up on your dense objects. Some antennaes and railings will need to go.
  4. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    No it isn't...... have u played on the older version or the new download link? Single player in custom frame rate is not terrible. I have experienced no laggy areas. Agreed there are a lot of objects used, but all z fighting has been fixed. I have played tonnes of customs and no player complained of terrible lag. Did you only go in on forge?
    Most have really enjoyed this map, and appreciate that not only has accurate lay out but also looks as accurate as possible.

    Edited by merge:

    Awesome man! Thanks ... and thanks for all your help in testing.. greatly appreciated
    #44 timmypanic, Jun 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2011
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Honestly, you should really be listening to goat right now. The framerate on this map is absolutely ridiculous, which is amazing, considering that it's a room-based map. Most of the objects used have lights on them, and on top of that, you used both of your 2 lights in areas with excessive amounts of glass. I played this in a 3-person FFA custom, with very little fighting, and got ****-tons of framerate. Single player lag IS terrible, whether you want to accept that or not. I can only imagine how atrocious it would be in a 4v4, or split screen.

    The thing about framerate lag, is that if you have a 25% framerate drop in any area, it reduces aiming capability by 50% in that area. That's pretty freakin bad as it is, but I've noticed about a 40% drop in frames, in almost all areas while a battle is going on, making this map about 80% unplayable. And if you have plans for matchmaking, you might as well either rebuild the map or forget those plans, because it won't be getting in as-is.
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    The classic slayer settings are halo 2 or halo CE , halo 3 settings are different. So no is the simple answer. We found changing gravity felt more like the halo 3 settings. Perhaps there will be an update if halo 3 maps ever make the play list. Rumours say it won't be happening soon.

    Edited by merge:

    I grow tired of framerate conversations. I have done nothing wrong, the frame rate certainly isn't as bad as you made out, and by the sounds of your ffa test you were only looking for framerate issues, and not on map to play. I have had the trolls on my files with nasty tags one that was particularly bad. All I have done is try to re create something.... matchmaking would have been good , but was never intended or built for 'matchmaking' .... improvements have been made and are on updated version.

    also no lag if you play 1 player... any lag u experienced was probably your connection. I can't help that, and recently gaming connection has been sub par for most players on customs.
    #46 timmypanic, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  7. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    I just read these latest replies about frame issues and I'm wondering WTF they're talking about? I've played this map many times with 8 players in every game type it has and we experienced only one small problem. And that was a short frame rate problem when we were in a walled off drop off zone and multiple nades exploded on us all at one time, just like it does on practically every other map I've played. Maybe they were suffering some connection problems or something but with as many players that I've played with on this map I'm pretty sure we all didn't have great connections and we didn't have the kind of problems they are making a point about.
  8. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    This looks like a very nice remake. Most people would concern about framerte issues etc etc, it just wouldn't really exsist if played with only 8 people. But have you tested this with 16 people? Because I am always looking for large lobby maps to play, and Cold Storage was one of my favorites from halo 3. Anyway I have always wanted to play a remake of this map, and this seems to be the only good remake around. I have played some of your maps in the past timmy, which are nice looking, but frame rate seems to be a constant issue with large parties. Does this issue still exist in this map, and have you tested it with 16 people?
  9. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I did two games on this map. One game was done with the intention of finding framerate lag, which we did, everywhere. The next game was a 3v3, where it was worse than the first game by far. I understand that you simply wanted to create something, but if you want that something to be played on you need to take time to ensure quality performance.

    Also, you ought not to deny such claims. You want to improve with your forging, don't you? Then listen to the masses and fix this obvious issue! Also, the lag I experienced was NOT connection lag. It was framerate lag. They are two totally different things entirely, and it's very easy to tell the difference.

    I could go on this map in forge with you and show you EXACTLY what objects are causing this intensive lag, because you used a lot of objects that do. But if you decide to remain in denial of this issue, then you're only hurting yourself.
  10. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Maybe I was a little hot headed.... a load of bad tags had annoyed me, and the comments on fr kinded of hit a nerve. The first version had some simple errors mainly from item snappy, second version has the small problems fixex. Rock room re forged, all un necessary pieces removed. Re forged areas. I do admit the yellow round room needs the 16 blocks rotated changed to 2 , perhaps the 1*4s changed or the light removed. The objects you talk of are many I guess, the inclines have lights, glass, has lights, the light. Also the rock room .
    When I say the frame rate is improved, in single player on custom I experienced virtually no frame rate issues. In custom, really depends on connection 8\10 games went well, 2 I experienced lag. Perhaps if it was simplified it would improve fr. But a comment of 80% unplayable to me felt harsh. End of the day , I want to be able job enjoy the map. I have taken lots on board for future projects. My most recent, my main goal is for split screen to work, as it is something I have learnt from this post.
    Thanks for comments and feedback
  11. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    Honestly, I'm not a fan of the whole circular block things. They really stand out, they stand out a lot, and that's the thing, it just doesn't look right with the rest of the map. You would have better luck with just a standard cube. I know you want to make it look all cool and hip, but sometimes simplicity is better. It just looks...weird. :/

    Good effort though.
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ithanks for comments. The blocks weren't rotated to be cool and hip. They were forgrd like that to look like the round parts of that section of the map... it isn't unplayable.... and I still like it and will continue playing on it. A less object remake is also on the cards for split screen.

    Edited by merge:

    thanks.... good to know its been played on and liked thanks .... head Hunter is also good fun :)
    #52 timmypanic, Jun 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank for comment! And your link is great, looking forward to seeing behind the sceens of cold storage.... I did forge the glass chamber and the flood inside but as I wanted to improve gameplay , I deleted much improving framerate. Thanks

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have to say this is not only the best Cold Storage remake I've seen but one of the best remakes of any map I've seen. You did an amazing job of using different forge pieces to make it seem as if this map isn't even on forge world. I especially love how you made the little eyeball thing that follows you around and the glass room with the rocks outside. Very good atmosphere, amazing remake, voted for FHF.
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, really great to have our work appreciated. I am pleased with how man canons were used to give blue lights. And the little details that were added. I didn't know this was up for nomination, and it is an honour to have a map in the runnings. A combination of dt192 s accuracy and forging skills with my eye for detail has been a great combination to acheive this accurate remake. Thanks
  16. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    I'm perplexed that some people would tag this map with a lot of negative crap. Yes, there are some minor slowdowns, and if they were trying to submit this for MM, i would be screaming at them to lose some objects.

    The fact remains that this is an incredibly inventive piece of forging. It captures the original to the point of instant recognition wherever you spawn on the map. Forge blocks have been used in terrific, inventive new ways which I WILL steal.

    Timmy and DT: I'd really like to see you guys work on an original map with optimal performance in mind. If you need a good group of testers, I'm a good man to know. I think I have DT on friends list, but Timmy you should FR me too if you can stand the company of an English man :D
  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you! Yeah there have been trolling the files. Really bugs me that after all the time and effort gone in that so many would be negative. Although its probably the same user with a few profiles. On the more recent file a legendary member who is also halo beta testers commented 'get raped' .....some people.

    Agreed also with removing objects if it was to be submitted to matchmaking, but as you have seen and appreciated this forge , no piece is placed un necessarily. Thanks for feedback and bringing up subject on trolling. Appreciated
  18. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    The artwork in this map is second to none. Seriously, if I played this without knowing it was made in forge, it would have probably taken me half the game to realize that. You guys have created something truly unique and special here.
  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Wow, thanks everyone for the support and great comments. Really appreciated.
    Ok there are a lot of players that can't appreciate this map and it is a shame, so we have created an updated version, just made specially, this has no lights and the block balls removed. Feedback on this final improvement would be greatful. The download is on the map post. The original version is also available for all who would like to see. Thanks :)
  20. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    i'd say keep the lights and the teleporters. They gave the map it's charm.

    Look to get rid of interlocking objects. Thats your better choice. If you want MM then taking away the character of the map isn't going to help

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