I was planning on hosting a competition where the prize was 1600 microsoft points. If I buy a card in the US will it work in the UK? or Australia? Cause I got a feeling it won't.
Unfortunately Microsoft Points are region blocked, so if you buy the card in America, it will only work in America.
Well what's the competition? Usually the prize has some correlation with what the competition was about, so its difficult to come up with a suggestion. You could still do the Microsoft Points too, you'll just have to choose one of the following options. -Make the contest exclusive to the country in which you reside -Wait to see who wins, see which country they are from, and buy a Microsoft Points card from that country via eBay.
Thanks that helps a bit. The contest is for the quickest run through of my upcoming puzzle map, Waterworks, which focuses on interwoven challenges and multiple routes and ways to complete challenges. I think all I can do really is this: Winner gets: - Promote the player on the map thread and my youtube page. - (If in the US) 800 microsoft points.