Bridge (Not definate name)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Terrrorfisk, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Terrrorfisk

    Terrrorfisk Forerunner

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    So i've made a new map based of a mix between Hemmorage and Narrows frrom Halo 3 (Kind of) and i was wondering what you guys think of it as initiall thoughts.
    The defenders has a teleporter for quick access to the checkpoint on the centreal bridge.
    Red Base with Sniper tower and Falcon Spawn:
    Blue Base with begining of mid size bridge and sniper tower:
    Red team defenses:
    Bridges in order: Small, Big (with "checkpoint") Mid with Blue team Sniper tower and red team Defensive positions :
    And bridge view from other side:
    Weapons and vehicles on the map so far:
    Blue side:
    1x Assault Rifle in base
    1x Needler in base
    1x Plasma Repeater in base
    1x Magnum In base
    1x Granade Launcher on small bridge by the base (see pic 2)
    1x Plasma pistol in base
    1x Sniper Rifle in Sniper tower
    2x Warthog one default and one Gauss
    1x Scorpion
    3x Mongoose

    Red side:
    1x Assault Rifle in base
    1x Needler in base
    1x Plasma Repeater in base
    1x Magnum In base
    1x Rocket Launcher defensive position (Bunker)
    1x Plasma Launcher defensive position (Bunker)
    1x Granade Launcher defensive position (Tower by Mid size bridge)
    1x Machine Gun Turret Defensive position (Bunker)
    1x Shotgun same bunker as MG
    1x Fuel Rod Gun On base
    3x Warthog (one of each
    3x Mongoose
    1x Revenant
    1x Falcon behind the red base

    2x Needle rifles one in each tower on central bridge
    1x Concussion Rifle on the Mid size bridge
    1x Shotgun on the Mid size bridge
    1x spartan laser on the small bridge

    Btw i need some help finishing the map and testing it. Send me a PM inclusing ur Gamertag here on Forge Hub if u are interested in helping and/or testing it.
    Edit: This will be a One bomb Assault, Terretories and maybe One flag CTF
    #1 Terrrorfisk, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
  2. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    Looks interesting. I'm not sure about the bridge with the teleporter frame or the number of vehicles. You could also submit it to the Tester's Guild if you want some people to test it and give you feedback. And just generally ask around to find testers.
  3. Terrrorfisk

    Terrrorfisk Forerunner

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    What do u suggest to change then? And what vehicles should i remove?
  4. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    I'm not sure, it just seems like it would get crowded (on the bridge) with that many vehicles. I'm not really much of a slayer guy, I'm sure someone else will help you out.
  5. Terrrorfisk

    Terrrorfisk Forerunner

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    It won't be supporting slayer only Assault and Terretories maybe One flag CTF forgot to metion that in original post :)
    I could try and make another bridge or widen the biggest one

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