They're under 'Scenery' then 'Barricades' I believe. They're energy barriers that act similarly to Halo 3's Pallet, except they are static and the field respawns quickly. If you remember the Deployable Cover equipment, it's effectively the same thing. Anyone else notice the dissapointing lack of physics objects in this game? The ones that are effected are quite difficult to move as well...
There are pallets on a few other maps like sword base, forge world however really lacks destructible objects.
agreed i can't seem to move objects that are supposed to be moved. Alright i will try these two suggestions later. thanks
This may be a far out suggestion but fusion coils can be stood upon and blown up, which is somewhat close to broken. You can also put shields on them so they can be blown up on one side and the other side won't take damage from it.
You can't phase it into things. You have to place it somewhere then phase other objects into it. There is vehicles if your desperate.
i understand that but like you could smash and break pallets and break barricades in halo 3. I don't know about vehicles i will look into it
We need breakable glass panels like in Reflection. The ones that are on on the inside of the floor above the ground floor in the middle of the map. That would be a nice addition.
i wish that we can have like a page with bungie of requests for forge and once a month we can vote on one thing and they add it to forge. That would be so sweet.
Considering Bungie is no longer in control of Reach or anything Halo related, that wont happen, unfortunately. Even if they still did, it probably wouldnt happen anyway. If they bent to the collective wills of the entire Halo community they'd never get anything else meaningful done, and we wouldnt be seeing the next Bungie game for a while longer than they already intend to take with it.