Solisticia AoH Presents Solisticia a 3v3-6v6 Competitive map Weapon List DMR x 6 Needler Rifle x 2 Magnum x 2 Rocket x 1-1 clip-180spawn Sniper x 2-1 clip-180spawn Grenade launcher x 2 Assault rifle x 2 This map was co forged by two great forgers we made this map in hope to make a map into matchmaking someday this map is pretty simplisit but carries great astetics Here are the screen shots Lay out more inner layout shots Here is the inside of both main spawn areas for both teams this part is symmetrical so the other side is exactly the same The last of the screen shots omg theres me I look so hot mmmhhh...... lol just kdding Dowload Next map will be Classiad a symmetrical map with isolated structures and a natural terrian planning on posting it here in about two days Forerunner map pack will be out within a week Thanks for your time and your patience if you would like to help test out my other maps please fell free to send me a friend request
the blue flame is pretty sexy but the map is nicely forged. it could have more details in it though... What's your budget?
Awesome map!. BTW what piece is that walkway in the bottom left of the last pic I see other people use it but I can't seem to find it!
thanks I didnt want to add more details so I can keep the map simplicit and when you detail a map highly it will lag alot in split screen and i want this map to go into matchmaking so and think how many splitscreen people play matchmaking i dont want it lagging for them also thats inside of a large walkway cover in the last pic and also I have like 2700 budget left im pretty sure
Nice map, I'm sure most of the players will be focused on the outside. Only thing I think that needs to be added is maybe a couple of "eye catchers". The map sorta looks bland.
For me, this map is ok. The layout is great but I think you should have made the bases smaller and add more aesthetic stuff cuz the map looks empty. Also, I would recomment you to not make big stuff out of buildings like the one you made in the center because in my opinion it's not that great looking. I'm not saying this is bullshit but just telling what I would do if I made this map. With time and practice you'll make awsome maps for sure.