So I built a map in and around the Coliseum and I dropped a respawn point in the water. Any ideas as how I can get it out? It's to deep and I can't go down and get it. Is there perhaps a way to delete all spawn points on the map and just replace them? Everyone is starting to get irritated because of the random spawn deaths. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
Pick up a spawn point. Hit B. Select "Delete All of These" at the bottom. Choose "Yes." No more spawn points.
I had this problem with a map I made not long ago. Problem was I had already placed the spawn points around the map in good places and didnt want to delete them. Solved it by placing 3 anti-spawn zones over it; one neutral, one red and the other blue. If you ever run into this problem again this works perfectly. Just thought Id mention that. ; )
That may work for the most part Xun, but Anti-Respawn zones don't tell the game, "Hey! Never spawn anyone on that team here." They just say, "Hey, please don't spawn anyone here unless there are no other options." You don't want anyone spawning in the water because the dynamic spawning engine didn't see any other suitable place. Just be careful.
You could also place a very large object on top of the spawn so that it is impossible to spawn on it. Or a multitude of other creative solutions. This is answered however, and there is no further need for discussion, so... :lock: