Halo Reach: Rebellion Map Pack! 5 Brand new maps including: The Grid Metropolis Fort Vajenski Entrapment Disturbance On The Water And the 'CASE 51' Infection gametype Heres a few display image sets of the maps ENTRAPMENT >>>Download<<< FORT VAJENSKI >>>Download<<< DISTURBANCE ON THE WATER >>>Download<<< METROPOLIS >>>Download<<< THE GRID >>>Download<<< Entrapment Gameplay Video Here
How'd you come up with Vajenski ? lol. But I do gotta say Vajenski looks pretty sick with the barriers around the whole fort. It wouldve been pretty interesting if you added some grass areas around the main fort itself to give it a isolated kind of feeling.
Fort Vajenski looks sick! Very cool castle feel, very nice incorporation of water into the map as well. What is that map made for exactly?
Mainly Infection, slayer and any custom game type. Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm in the process of making more maps like these. The reason why I have no grass is because I used all the forge budget:/
I have to say i love the aesthetics, on all these maps. and you may wanna fix that link to the demo gameplay.
Thanks for the input, I will be uploading aargh of infection on entrapment later today and update the post.
Metropolis really seems like the only one that would be decent. I mean, the two fort ones just look like zombies being spawn killed repeatedly and grid looks like it would be a minigame map from the pictures. I gotta say, metropolis is the only one that would give me that true infection feel. Also, the stairs on entrapment look pretty sexy