Victory Square

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TitanC005, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    "Where 1x1 Tall blocks go to die."

    Hello, Forge Hub. It's been a long time. How have you been? An evil AI by the name of GLaDOS once uttered those same words (except the "Hello, Forge Hub" part, because that would just be weird). Rest assured I am not here to murder you. Sadly, nor do I have cake. What I do have is a map preview, so get your butt comfortable in that chair of yours and scroll on down.

    Victory Square is based on a ruined Forerunner city. It's forged on the Quarry, which won out in the debate between it and the Coliseum by beating the Coliseum in a tennis match. The Coliseum apparently has a terrible backhand.

    The map design itself has a lot of ground in Halo 2's maps. Turf, Lockout, and Headlong all have influenced Victory Square. The focus of Victory Square's gameplay is fast-paced action and trick jumps.

    And what do you know, the trick jumps are actually doable this time around (Helix, cough cough).


    As you can probably tell by the picture, the Forge piece of choice here is the 1x1 Tall block, hence the quote up top. Some columns still stand sturdy, while other lay broken and leaning upon each other. This map is, in essence, a 1x1 Tall junkyard.


    The concept of the map is to be able to get anywhere, fast. There are many, many routes to every location. Victory Square is designed to unleash your Spartan's inner Asassin-style parkour. While the map might look sloppily forged, I spent immense amounts of time tweaking the placement of the blocks to get them just right for easy jumping, and to make sure they provided an excellent variety of lines of sight.

    Above: Sniper Alley, where you don't want to be caught alone in. Bring a friend to hold your hand.

    The map features both the classic Overshield and Active Camo powerups.

    The Tower, with fusion coils and plenty of ways to sneak up there. Sniper Alley sits below as snug as the plush red panda you may or may not sleep with at night.



    You'd better start believing in Ghost maps, Ms. Turner.

    Surprisingly, there is comfortable room for the Ghost to ZHOOO! and WHRRRR!

    Help Me Help You Help Us All
    On a more serious and self-critical note, I'm not entirely confident with this map yet. Partly because it hasn't been tested. Partly because of my blind forging style. Partly because my DMR told me I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn in a match on Asylum today. While I did in fact hit the barn (I used a different DMR), I'm iffy about this map's weapons. They include:

    • Shotgun (1 extra clip)
    • Sniper Rifle (1 extra clip)
    • Needler
    • Plasma Rifle
    • x3 DMR (2 with 1 extra clip, 1 with 2 extra clips, all well-mannered)
    • x2 Plasma Grenades
    • Concussion Rifle (1 extra clip)
    • Energy Sword

    One side of the map is saturated with weapons, while the other is rather dry. It must have had an umbrella or something. Anyways, if you guys have any suggestions for the weapons, please let me know.

    Aesthetically, the map seems a little busy to me. Particularly with all the 1x1 Talls. That said, I'm not worrying too much about aesthetics right now as much as gameplay. I tried different things with lights, but I like the map better without them.

    The map is currently set up for Slayer and Capture the Flag only. If you'd like to give it a whirl, download here.

    Thanks for reading, and stay classy, Forge Hub.

  2. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    cool map, bro.

    But in all honsety, this looks great. You managed to pull off a sloppy look, while still making it look good. If you ever need someone to test with, send me an invite.
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the response, and for offering to test. Glad to hear the "sloppiness" looks good to someone else. If I ever get a group together for testing, I'll be sure to let you know.
  4. Rocknomiconic

    Rocknomiconic Forerunner

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    I enjoy seeing maps that aren't so... Orderly these days hah. I enjoy what you have done with it, especially with line of sights, there is a balance between long and short. I also LOVE your wit and writing style, I laughed several times just reading your whole preview!
  5. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Haha, thanks. :) I'm usually pretty uptight about my Forge objects being perfectly lined up, so it was nice to let that go a little bit on one project.

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