----------------------Haunted Village V2.5------------------- By xXKebobXx OK, so this is my first map on Forgehub that I've posted. I hope everyone enjoys it as i have had a lot of fun building and designing it. Please use the custom gametype i have provided, but change the player number accordingly (no less than 2 zombies). over 1800 downloads!!! Backstory: So one day the villagers were walking around and they found zombies. They captured them in a cage and continued on with their day. But later that day the zombies escaped and began to devour everyone.... This is the situation you are thrown into survive long enough for the day to come and to destroy the zombies so that you may rebuild your home. YouTube - Halo:Reach Haunted Village V2.5‏
I'm glad to say welcome to Forge Hub. This map looks amazing for a first post. It all looks good. I love the city feel of the map. Even your video is top notch. You have Epic Music *hint* *hint* *Requiem for A Dream*, and nice transitional effects in the beginning. The only thing I'm not to kicky about is the grid ceiling. It isn't very appealing to the eye. It looks like you ran out of pieces so you decided to use a grid. I think you should just get rid of the ceiling entirely, and you should add kill zones to stop players from escaping. The map also looks very camp friendly. With only one way in to places hallways become cramped for zombies, and sometimes it just gets annoying to a zombie. Think about Sword Base on Infection. Remember the small red lift room on the floor where everybody likes to camp. Well you just took that annoying place and amplified it with being able to block it off. If you are going to have places that are able to block off, then I strongly suggest to add multiple ways in. It allows for the zombies to flank out the humans. I think that would amplify the enjoyment of your map. I would love to play with you some time on this map. Invite me to your customs if you have a large party going. My gt is Knight of 0rder with a zero for the "O" in Order.
This looks pretty good. I like these Township kind of zombie games. I like how you have to actually work together to survive. I only wish the voice chat settings were like in Halo 3 where zombies and humans couldn't hear each other unless they're near each other, but hey that's Bungie's fault. (It was a really dumb decision, in my opinion, that they made infection voice communication in Reach free-for-all style instead of team style). I'll be sure to try this map out.
Very, very nice aesthetics, it looks like you have an eye for that kind of stuff. This map reminds me of the classic L4D maps on Foundry for Halo 3. You've earned definite download(s), likes, and recommendations from me, it looks like a blast in customs. And yes, this is pretty damn-well-done map for a first post.