
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by alreadyRogue, May 17, 2011.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No special thanks for me? I tested this map over 9000 times!

    Seriously though, it's great to finally see this map released. I've seen this map grow from what of it's earlier stages into the map that it is now and I've got to say, for your first map, this is nothing short of a success.
    The map boasts some fine aesthetics and the gameplay overall is a nice experience to be had. There is still work that could be done on the map however, namely the spawning. During the game we had on it last night (and others for that matter), there were several occasions where the enemies would spawn rather close to us. For example if someone is standing in the area that is above red team spawn, enemy players may sometimes spawn on the floor under them. This gives players the chance to get an easy kill due to height advantage.
    If you are willing to create a new version, I'd definitely consider going over both the spawns and spawn areas that you have placed in the map.
  2. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    I definitly will create a new version Chron. i was waiting to see if i got raptured, because if everyone was dead i dont think a new version would get many DLs :)

    i am actually reworking the spawn zones and placement now, and also adding multiple gametypes. thanks for the testing n **** man
  3. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    WAAAZZZZAP i remember when you had this map all outside, with sloping curved ramps, and yea, it had gone miles away form that, the great grenade throws near the teleporter to prevent camping, to the little tower tall with the little red and blue moved the focus rifle spawn...and no matter where you move it i will still hate the weapon. theres tons
    great tid bits that make the map look great, i see you also added a shield door for coer in the purple hallway up top, and i deer hope you fixed the 10sec death barriers on the walkways, i loved playing on this map, and as all others said...killing you on it...especially with the pro-pipe, all my friends love this map it just feels so smooth.

    9-10 - structure
    9-10 - aesthetics
    10-10 - flow of game play
    2000-10 - for 0 Z fighting
    -60-10 - for weapon choice (focus rifle sucks, ive always hated it)
  4. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Hahaha im not quite sure i understand ur scoring :)
    Thanks for ur comment dude, even though im not sure i dully understand it:)

    Yeh, i did try to put a ton of littke details in which everyone can enjoy, no matter where you are on the map:)

    Also, be expecting a new version in the next cpuple days :)
  5. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Yesh yesh it can

    Lol thanks for te short but sweet comment :)

    And congrats on making it into my sig, teh lulz, oh teh lulz
  6. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey I remember playing this map and yes I really liked the aesthetic style it had. I especially liked the shield door hallway and it seemed to fit nicely with the map, but I already told you that. Great for your first map.
  7. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    thanks, originally i had all this shenanigans as a part of the shield door, like tin cups for the edges and all that, but i decided to scrap all those for sake of framerate and budget. Before that hall had cover, and seeing as it is probably the highest traffic area, it was just a bloodbath area and the map really suffered, I like the cover they provide, as well as add to the asthetic feel as i do think they look quite good :)
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Played this again with the MLG community, after the creator suggested it. It wasn't exactly a great follow-up to all of the MLG maps played, but it was as good this time as it was any other time. I found it funny how you went -20 on your own map. I could understand going maybe -6 on a bad round, and going double-digit negative is very hard to do, but to that extent you may as well have not been moving. Ridiculous... Also, with the way you played KOTH in our session, you seemed like you were trying to fool us by making us think you were a Hologram, but that may be going off-topic. I always liked the unique circular design in the "bases", but I think mid needs to be more powerful, like it is in most maps. Put a rocket launcher or sniper there to promote movement towards the middle. All parts of the map are used, but that makes it far too slow-paced. Map control is pretty ineffective on the map, and that was one of the few things that disappointed me.
  9. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Lol, i went -26 actually :)
    Im actually garbage at actually fighting.

    Despite that, thanks for your comments on the map, i agree that combat can be somewhat slow at times, but at other time control of the upper hallway can be very effective. Thanks for sticking it out through the game tho, i know u quit games often but im glad u didnt this time :)
  10. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I quit games often? I don't see how you could think that. I normally quit if my connection gets so bad that the game isn't playable. I'm normally one a 1 or 2 bar connection, but occasionally I'll get a 3-bar connection and pick up more than a few kills. I've never gone 4 bar since 2006, and back then I had a decent connection. But no, I don't quit games and I've never quit any games I've played with you. I've dropped out of lobby before, but that's it. When I drop out of lobby, it's usually because you're trying to start a mini-game. I hate mini-games.

    I found that controlling the upper hallway is just as effective as controlling anywhere else. I really think you should put more emphasis in controlling specific parts of the map, but only for team games. Mid is most often a control point that is made to be effective on maps. I'd say put a good power weapon there to convince people to go over there. I believe there was rockets there for a time. I could be wrong, but if there was, you should probably put it back there. If it was too powerful, increase the respawn time or decrease the clip amount. Again, I could have been wrong, but I still would suggest it.
    #30 4shot, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  11. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Dude, this looks like it's changed a lot since I last saw it. Well done.

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