I believe we pretty much have this feature defended, but I'd like to say this, more toward longstanding forgers. There was a time in Halo 3 where switches were badass and people loved them. Can you think of a switch that has been greatly recognized and praised? Originality, ingenuity, and it one of those maps that seems like it should have been done.
While this is really cool and I'm now extremely curious as to how this works, I'm leaning towards JFox's and LD's opinions. I would be much more impressed with a switch implemented into a map like Moon Waffle managed to do. I'm not saying this is bad, but I am entitled to my opinion so I would appreciate if you didn't try change it.
To sum up what everybody has been tip-toeing around, we featured this as a Technical Map. If we had a large enough of Switch/Dynamic/Technical maps posted on Forge Hub, you would see more of them featured. But we don't, so you don't either.
Smack me in the face or hammer my post... do what you want to my statements. But this ^ is why I think no one gives a **** about features anymore. You may say, "Good riddance" to the people who don't care. But that kind of attitude will kill this site. Thats all I'm going to say.
comparing it to an aesthetic map doesnt justify anything. If you took out the gameplay aspects out of it like you said, it wouldnt be feature worthy just from aesthetics. Im not siding either way, im just saying that its silly to think that Quote: Originally Posted by Black Theorem I just want to add a note about features in general. Features are staff picks. They dont have to be the best map on the site at the time, they dont have to have absolutely perfect gamplay/aesthetics/etc. They are merely maps we like, and applying criteria to our staff pics only serves to heighten your own personal bar when determining the quality of the featured maps themselves, which is unfair to the mapmakers (petetheduck, in this case). It is, what it is, and we liked it. Staff picks eh? i thought you had those too. 100th post ftw!
I'm going to sum up the matter with a litany, because this is the absolute last post on the subject lest I start infracting. - This is literally a mini-game. The current definitions we have are vague as they originally started as such, and the community continued using them. As such, FH still operates on the same criteria despite there being confusion as to the differences between a casual map and a mini-game, and the various subsets that accompany them.-As I mentioned before, there are two main types of mini-games. There is the one that takes the name true to form. A small game that is scarcely replayed in a row, that is used to break the monotony between other matches. It is to express a creative idea and show it off in a short, fun way. That is all. You are not meant to play this over and over again and have it take over a customs session. -The main definition people operate on (and a one, no doubt derived from spoiled attitudes shown in this thread) is the type that people play repeatedly, without end, and base their parties on. You all know the type, obviously.- This is a technical map. We've featured maps in the past that showed off ingenious use of the Halo engine. The first that comes to mind being Moon Waffle by Devinish. These maps are featured to praise the creativity of the author, as it clearly wouldn't be astonishing could everyone think of the mechanics of the game in such a fashion. - Forge is about creation, not necessarily about play. There are no complaints about nice-looking aesthetic maps being featured. This, really, reflects poorly on those claiming this shouldn't be featured on the first two counts. Even Zatherla, who has been hugely praised by the community at large, has commented to that fact. It is narrow-mindedness that keeps people from appreciating great work, and frankly, entitlement is the most annoying trait anyone can have. On that note: - The feature process is not about us, it is about you. I understand what Black was trying to get at and failed miserably at conveying, but there's a reason he isn't a journalist (mainly choice, but still ). While he was correct in saying that we choose the maps (via consensus, mind you) we're more gatekeepers than policy makers. We adhere to tradition set before, that is, providing an even keel on which anyone creating anything in forge, may be spotlighted should their work be good enough. It doesn't matter if it's been praised in the past, though it does bring it to our attention (and in some cases, has brought a feature, when we personally wouldn't otherwise want to pass it). Assuming that we sit in the high tower, disregarding anything and everything you guys say, is wrong. The fact is, if we didn't care what you said, you wouldn't see three staffers in here dissuading your, to be blunt, ignorant stances on the subject. We'd just delete and move on, or at the very least, simply forget any of it ever happened. But no, that isn't the case, and even one or two people speaking out against the system goes into shaping the discussions in the staff forum about future policy (whether documented or simply regarded as future tradition, so to speak). That is all. Now talk about the map on its own merits, not on some undefined system that is entirely subjective in view yet somehow regarded as an objective level on which to judge.
Not trying to start the discussion up again, but I'm sure no one meant to attack the feature system. We were just voicing our opinions on this map. Clearly some like it, some don't.
Sarge addressed every point, not just the ones you intended to bring up. Why care if he goes above and beyond...? Its not like anyones mad n such (and if you are, lol.)
This is a very clever concept and the execution of it is brilliant! I'm giving it a download just to see how it works.
Clever. That's really all I can say. Whether it's clever enough to merit a feature isn't up to me. Congratulations to the author. Regardless of what people think about it's gameplay, it's smart.
First of all, thank you very much to everyone responsible for making this map Featured! It was a very unexpected surprise this morning! I can respect that some people don't like the map. Yes, there is a lot of "dead air" time when nothing is happening. Although no round ever lasts longer than a minute, the empty time spent waiting for the mechanism to run it's course (or a tie round to end) is an unfortunate evil that I can't do anything about. Trust me, I put a lot of thought into this map. If I could have removed the empty time, I would have. This was more of a Forge experiment for me than something I expected to be The Next Big Thing. It highlights, like so many maps here do, just how insanely flexible Forge is. I don't expect people to play this all the time. That said, I have had fun playing this map 1v1. I don't recommend playing with more than one other person at a time because the fun comes from trying to outsmart your opponent. Every round, you update your strategy based on what your opponent has selected. It's a real mindgame sometimes! I had one 5-round game where my opponent and I tied every round (and no, we didn't pick the same weapon across every round). That was pretty amusing.. but other times, I've had my opponent completely get inside my head and beat me almost always. And I've done the same sometimes too. Personally, I think not liking this map comes down to not liking Rock-Paper-Scissors. Which is, again, OK. You're playing Halo for a reason, right?
HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT! Any time I'm waiting for my friend or im just bored on Reach, i sit in that map and look at it because it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy.
This Looks very fun in some cases.I haven't played it but it seems vey fun.BUT it also looks, its took agervating at times.other then that.it's seem amazing
How the crap does this map work? It's amazing mechanics and everything! How would this map work with 16 people?