I was messing around in forge on one of my maps, and decided to see if I could make a fusion coil explode if I landed on it. After a few tries, I discovered something: landing on it prevented any fall damage. YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge Tip: Fusion Coils Prevent Fall Damage‏ This can be used when you need for there to be no fall damage, but still have it so you can take damage in other situations. I realize you can do this with One Way Shields, but Fusion Coils are cheaper and smaller. Feel free to use this trick in your maps! Plasma batteries do not work with this. Also, the physics must be set to normal. In order to prevent them from flying around when you hit them, put a wall around them. I confirmed this to work, and it doesn't do any damage to the coils. Although the wall would have to be lower than the tops of the fusion coils to prevent landing on the wall rather that the coils. EDIT: Hmm...depending on how you position them inside the box, they could overlap, but they could get wedged out of position a bit, then possibly get damage from hitting the wall.
Nice find. This could be useful in so many ways! Do plasma batteries do it too? I wonder what else does...
I'll add it to the Forge Tips and Tricks thread as soon as I get time. Did you ever manage to land on them so they did not fall over? If they just redirect the energy by getting knocked to the side there's a chance this won't work consistently. Either way we may be able to engineer this to work with other movable objects too.
Lol they fly like 30 feet away xD. Everytime i tried this, i always blew up. Maybe landing on one makes you blow up? Either way, pretty cool.
I think that if you just set the physics to fixed or phased they would stay put, I just didn't bother doing that for the video. EDIT: Actually, it doesn't prevent fall damage if you set it to fixed. Normal is the only way to go.
So it's just that objects set to normal physics can absorb fall damage when you knock them out of the way. Not as good of a glitch but it will still be useful for a lot of people.