
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Caucasian Invasion, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Hello all!
    and welcome to...
    This map has probably been the map i spent the most time on. I have been working on this for a good month now, and i finally think its finished.
    This map is meant to represent a Water facility with Pipelines and stuff, hence the name Conduit(Pipeline). I added a teleporter because there needed to be an easier way to get to the top level, even though theyre already is 2. It doesnt chop the gameplay, it actually fits pretty nicely.
    At max this map can handle 4v4, but any more would be a spawn camping moshpit. I also tried to focus more on covenant weapons, because i believe they make the game alot more fun. I also focused on a colorscheme of Green and Blue, because i believe they go with eachother very nicely.
    1 Fuel Rod Cannon (center) - 180 secs - 0 spare
    2 Needle Rifles - 40 secs - 1 spare
    1 Needler - 180 secs - 1 spare
    1 Plasma Repeater - 40 secs
    2 plasma rifles - 50 secs
    6 stickies - 15 secs ea.
    2 Dmr's 30 secs - 1 spare.
    1 overshield - 160 secs







    Also, after 3 minutes of playing, the little spout in front of the overshield will start to pour water out, and it looks really cool! Give it a dl and see for yo self ;)

    Any other questions, suggestions, or comments, please leave them below. Tell me what you guys think! :)
    #1 Caucasian Invasion, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  2. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Wow! I was really worried I wouldn't find a new customs map for the weekend but here it is! The Aesthetics are top notch and the layout is very inspired. Love it! Not sure if it's as good as Pagoda but still a map of the highest quality, Congrats!

  3. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Thanks atlas! Im glad you like it. its a bit smaller than pagoda and i focused more on detail, but i personally think gameplay is just as good as pagoda's if not better. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hahaha, your creativity is getting better and better. I love the use of tin cups. You didn't just throw it in with a circular ramp and some rocks. Layout looks extremely clean and the aesthetics look amazing. The pipelines look great and your weapon choice is good also. How's the fuel rod on this map? I usually find it to be overpowering on smaller maps and I'm wondering if it could be a problem. Anyways, another great looking map. Keep it up.
  5. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    So I just finished viewing 8ball's beautiful new map, and then I stumble across another one that looks so well and thought out. Sometimes I am amazed by what people come up with in forge. This map looks large enough to have some hectic battles on and I like that you went with more of a covenant weapon layout. That is something you dont see much of which I think is just weapon preference mostly due to matchmaking map having more of a human layout, loadout.
    I always like when I see people dare to be a little different when designing especially the little unique touches, like the way youve implemented cover into the environment itself. I have got to see this fountain idea of yours, I've been attempting to put a good unique fountain idea into my current project which I really hope to release soon :(. Great job on this you definately have my download.
  6. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Thanks Eightball! its always nice to have a forger as good as you to recognize my maps, im glad you like the aesthetics. Ya i always see the the tin cups put into the circular ramp, so i wanted to mix it up a bit and use the tin cups differently. Glad you like the weapons, and the fuel rod is not a problem at all. I played a few games on it and it was actually harder to use do to bouncing off rocks and stuff. Plus its 180 secs with only 6 shots, and the overshield counters it really well so not a problem at all. I just wanted to make the neutral weapon different from the usual rockets or sword, and no one really uses the fuel rod so i added it :)

    Thank for the dl silent. I did add enough spawn points for this map to handle 8v8 if anyone is crazy enough to try it, but i guess it would be pretty fun. I picked covenant weapons because they honestly just make the game so much more fun, and i love to use them, and i wanted to steer away from the usual human loadouts as you stated. Ya, unique is what i was going for in this map, and even all my other maps. I just love to make it stand out ya know? The rocks provide some decent coverage, and i just threw in the fountain cause i havent seen anybody that has made a fountain which turns on mid- game. Thanks for the feedback and good luck with your map in the making!

    OTT2RAPEU Forerunner

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    I really like this map and I personally agree and see nothing wrongs with the use of the Fuel Rod as a center weapon and everyone does always use either the Rockets or sword like 99% of the time for a center weapon and that just gets old after a while... So I applaud you for thinking out of the box on that and with 180/0 spare clips i think thats perfect for a map of this size. Also you didnt just copying and paste the same old "tin cup with round ramp trick" that is soooo overused... So in my opinion the weapons are balanced,the aesthetics are great and i especially love the fountain, youve managed to make that fountain really legit looking which is hard to do with those shield doors. Overall this map is great and balanced and the aesthetics are very cool and unique.I would just add maybe 2 more DMRs but its really not a big deal.. and this map is so good that the extra dmrs is the only thing i can really think of lol!! =/ So great job and keep up the great forgin!
  8. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    That is EXACTLY why i used a fuel rod center weapon. Im glad you liked the tin cup usage and the fountain. i just thought it was a neat thing to add in. Thank you for your feedback and im glad you like the map :D.
  9. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Aesthetics look fantastic on this map and I think I saw a concept of this once. One walkthrough and i must say the game play looks like it can have some fantastic games. But I would suggest creating more pathways to the upper level, I can see player traffic sticking to that area. Also, I suggest using a tin cup's flag pole for your fountain, I am not sure if anybody caught that but if you tilt it and 15 degrees with the flag inward and a flag stand at the end, it will look more realistic imo. You might have some framerate issues, but I couldn't really see any at this time.

    I am excited to see what you have next, try making an mlg map. I believe if you work the Aesthetics in you could make an amazing map. WELL DONE AND KEEP AT IT!

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