Remake Halo CE - Bloodgulch

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Super Majin Vegeta, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Tribute video:
    Bloodgulch & Chill Out Halo Reach Remakes - YouTube

    I'm working for a lot of time on a remake of Halo: Combat Evolved.
    Not only a remake of a map, but a remake that can capture its essence with some gametypes.
    The only gametype that i relase now it's team slayer, this is not the place to talk about Combat Evolved gametypes( go here for more infoes on combat evolved gametypes )
    The first map i decided to create, of course, it's bloodgulch.
    All rock are placed in the same place as the original,a sniper can see another placed on the opposite base from this base and the gametype makes the game more similar to Combat Evolved.

    Halo CE menu screen:
    Canyon Overview:
    Blue Base Overview:
    Cave entrance:

    Weapon List
    Halo CE
    - 4x Pistol
    - 2x Assault Rifle
    - 2x Plasma Rifle
    - 2x Sniper Rifle
    - 4x Shotgun
    - 1x Flamethrower
    - 1x Fuel Rod Gun
    - 1x Rocket Laucher
    - 8x Frag Granade
    - 8x Plasma Granade
    - 2x Health Pack
    - 1x Active Camo
    - 1x Overshield
    Halo: Reach
    - 4x Magnum
    - 2x Assault Rifle
    - 2x Sniper Rifle
    - 2x Plasma Rifle
    - 5x Shotgun ( One replace the flamethrower )
    - 1x Fuel Rod Gun
    - 1x Rocket Laucher
    - 8x Frag Granade
    - 8x Plasma Granade
    - 2x Health Pack
    - 1x Active Camo
    - 1x Custom Powerup ( works as a 3x Overshield )
    Vehicle List*
    Halo CE
    - 6x Warthog
    - 4x Rocket Warthog
    - 8x Ghost
    - 8x Scorpion ( Halo CE was INSANE xD )
    - 2x Banshee
    Halo: Reach
    - 4x Warthog (Stupid warthog limit!)
    - 4x Rocket Warthog
    - 8x Ghost
    - 4x Scorpion ( I'm not insane xD )
    - 2x Banshee

    *Only some vehiecles spawn in some gametypes, don't worry for the high number :D

    Give some feedback (Only for the map, for the gametype it will be another topic)
    and...welcome back on Halo: Combat Evolved
    #1 Super Majin Vegeta, Jun 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  2. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Nice remake, though I don't really what distinguishes it from others.
    If you're taking suggestions, you should try Ice Fields next.
  3. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i've already did ice fields, i will post it another time ( sorry, I do almost a single map every day xD )
  4. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Awesome, is it any good? Seeing the quality of your other maps, I'd assume it's at least decent.

    What about Waterworks/Snowbound/Standoff? All three could use a decent remake, if you need ideas.
  5. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My remake is a little smaller, but 90% accurate :D
    mmm...i can do standoff, it's really a challenge :D
  6. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Yeah it looks pretty much the same to other remakes, but hey, i guess its hard to remake blood gulch and not make it look exactly the same to others. But yeah, i want to see that ice fields remake.. i loved all of Halo CE's maps.. especially the ice ones/the one with two ships in space (dreadnought?)
  7. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Added a tribute video :D

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