I wanted to make a simple, clean, straightforward Trampoline map...so I made Trampoline Pro. This is my third trampoline map, and instead of flair, I went for more playability. Few distractions make staying focused on battle a litter easier, and its still chaotic! Trampoline Pro is built in the Coliseum, and is very simple. A large trampoline sits in the center of the room, held up by then support braces. At either end of the trampoline is a larger brace, each containing a health pack. Four bases surround the map. I primarily designed the map for Red & Blue teams, and as such, they have their own bases, located at the long ends of the trampoline. Man cannons send players hurtling from their base onto the trampoline surface. The floor is death, so make sure to watch your footing! Above the trampoline is a smaller, floating trampoline. To either side of the trampoline are long railings set upright to act as poles that can be stood upon. Weapons: Rocket Launcher x 4, Shotgun x 4 (Each base has one of each weapon) Abilities: Jet Pack x 4, Active Camo x 4 (Each base has one of each ability) This map supports all team colors, though only Red & Blue get individual bases. The rest are shared. This map also supports FFA, Crazy King and Oddball. Though the map can support more, the max player limit is about 8 players for comfortable play, and 8 can be quite hectic on Trampoline! I also created a match type, "Tramp Pros" which gives you the option of either "Angel" (Jet pack, random weapons) or "Demon" (Active Camo, random weapons) for loadouts. It also provides unlimited ammo (need to reload). It isn't necessary to enjoy Trampoline Pro, but it is fun! Let me know what you think! This map is purely for the enjoyment of casual chaos. And chaotic it can certainly be!
So.... isn't active cammo kind of pointless, when your constantly moving? lol jet pack too stops the jumping part.... and rocket launchers? on a trampoline? eh its a fun consept but i think there should be a few changes
What kind of changes do you think? I'm open to suggestions! I have the active camo for players who want to go hide among the "poles" on the sides of the trampoline. It's actually amazingly effective when there are a number of players. I took the jetpacks away at one point, but all my friends complained that they loved the jetpacks, so I left them in. And the rocket launchers are more fun than they sound lol. With people constantly moving, and bouncing around, it can be hard to land a rocket just right. And the risk of potential suicide is there too Anyway, I'm open to suggestions though...what changes do you think I should make?