Bumper Arcade

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by H15T0RY R3P34T5, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. H15T0RY R3P34T5

    H15T0RY R3P34T5 Forerunner

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    Edit* I think I posted this in the wrong place. Could it possibly be moved to Casual? Thanks!

    This is my first shot at this, so don't eat me if I mess up! :D

    This is my version of Bumper Cars. Four teams of two each have a two Ghosts. The teams start in shield protected bases, board their Ghosts, and proceed to an arena style battlefield, broken up by a large cylindrical structure in the center of the map. The floor is deadly to Spartans, but you have nothing to fear (aside from other players!) when you're in a Ghost.

    This map is a symmetrical map built in the Coliseum. Four bases (Red, Blue, Green, Brown) surround the room, one on each wall. Players begin in their bases with a Ghost for each player (up to 8). From there, you exit the one way shield and try to blast, bump and slam your opponents.

    Weapons/Vehicles: 8 x Ghosts (Two per team, Four teams max)

    Spawning: 8 x Initial Spawns (Two per team) 4 x Respawns

    Hazards: Hard Kill Zones (Arena floor, All Outer Walls, Top of Center Column)

    Objectives: 5 x Hill Markers (One in each corner, One circling Center Column)

    This map supports Team Slayer, Crazy King, and "Bumpers" match types. "Bumpers" is a custom match type to my personal tastes. It restricts you to a default weapon loadout of 1 Energy Sword, and nothing else. It also penalizes any death as a result of coming out of your Ghost. The match type is not mandatory to play this map.

    The room is darkened with Purple and Juicy Special FX, and the color scheme was inspired by both boardwalk arcades, and Tron.

    * In our playtesting, the only issue we encountered is that if a player dies, but his Ghost remains intact on the battlefield, that player must wait for a moment for his Ghost to respawn back in the base. Destroyed Ghosts respawned right away, and without fail. I'd love any advice on how to combat this minor issue. It only happened to us very rarely, but it was a tad annoying when it did occur. Seems to happen less frequently with more players, due to increased chances of the Ghosts being destroyed.*






    So yeah, let me know what you think! I hope you all have as much fun as we did, bashing each other to a beautiful, plasma charged oblivion! :D
    #1 H15T0RY R3P34T5, Jun 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2011
  2. k1rby33

    k1rby33 Forerunner

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    Wow, this map looks amazing. I dont believe you that this is your first time making a map. Is this really your first forge? Well, I really like the colours in it, and you did an excellent job when it came to aestethics. One question. Isn't it hard to see the colours of the other players because of the strong colours? (I don't know what I mean by "strong colours"). I think you should change the ability for players to shoot when they are on their ghosts, if thats possible. :p Well, congrats. This... I dont know what to say.
  3. H15T0RY R3P34T5

    H15T0RY R3P34T5 Forerunner

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    Thanks! No, it's not my first forging, just my first submission to Forge Hub :D I've only been forging since Reach though (never got to use Halo 3's forge) so I've still got plenty of learning to do.

    Thanks again though! I've been pondering on how to make players more easily visible. Any suggestions would be awesome!
  4. Nicholas Cave

    Nicholas Cave Forerunner

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    What if enemy players were given a Waypoint for the game mode? Or would that make it become too easy?
  5. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    is there a 10 second kill zone in the spawns, because people could just camp when they start losing. the map looks pretty cool, i like the gametype, how many ghosts/spawn points are there on the map?
  6. Dean PHD

    Dean PHD Forerunner

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    I love the Tron inspired Maps. There are some really good ones out now. I am going to download your map to replace a similar bumper car map I have that was not so good. This one looks very cool aesthetically. To be clear is there 4 spawn spots for each team? Would it be possible to do 4v4 instead of 2v2v2v2 if you added more ghosts? I was just wondering if that was a possibility. I am going to download to get a look see at it either way. Good map brother.

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