I need some ideas for a large structure in my sketchup project. Just post your ideas if you have any. There is a picture of the project so far. The large structure will most likely be along the border of the map (mountains) although it may possibly be within the map too. It depends on the idea. It can be something from ruins to a large structure most anything is fine, I had one idea of putting part of a broken halo ring in the map. You never know. Thanks. Here is a picture (this shows the locations of various things) I am still adding hills and other geography. What you see described is only the major areas. Ideas: Broken or Sunken Boats - mxdd13 Ruins - mxdd13 Arch Ways - xxAl Capwnagexx Sniper Towers - mxdd13 Shield Doors - mxdd13 Exploding Rock - mxdd13 Mountain Base - XKG x Oblivion Mountain Tunnels - XKG x Oblivion Underground Tunnel System - sdrakulich Sniper Rock - Xx BEHEMOTH xX Run Down Base - Bloubas Catwalks - Rentless
Ok, ruins...Oh and I will update the picture as the project continues. I will probably create some hills to and I plan on an underground tunnel, not very complex though.
This is a small project thats part of a much bigger plan. This is the first of many projects I am creating for the next four years hopefully. This is all for my resume for either Architecture or Graphics Design. Yes, it may be four years away for me but the bigger the portfolio the easier it is to recieve a job and quicker.
OH sht so you are a game designer! SWEET! I want to be either that, graphic artist, or a comp programer. You could also put in either abandoned boats or sunken ones on the river.
Yea! enthusiasm! ok, so abandon, or sunken boats and that such. Hope your future job comes to you. Good luck.
well, I think forerunner structures are a bit overused. Put some wrecked water boats like mxdd said. Maybe have places where there is an arch way over the water, but broken so you can't jump over (or maybe you can on some of them-idk)
Ok, well I will add these Ideas to the list tomorrow. I have to get going to sleep. Thanks for the help within an actually short amount of time. Wow...that was a lot of fast responses...dang...well thanks for the help. And if anyone reads this ideas are still welcome! Off I go, on my short walk...with 300 personal spartan body guards...bye :squirrel_jaffa::squirrel_jaffa::squirrel_jaffa:
i wish i was that good at sketchup.. il post a picture of my forerunner bridge, but since i suck at sketchup and i cant do curves i cant post the rest of my maps.. maybe il just send you my idea and you can make it for me lol
Yea go to this link for the free version. Its the version I used. http://sketchup.google.com/download/gsu.html
Anyway you could make the second base near the lake in the back and put a new water vehicle for halo there.
damn I have a lot of ideas, I like the cave thing. Make the cave in a under water cave where they take a sub or tele up to the top of the base.... lol
I would do that but the sides need to be somewhat symmetrical at the same time. So having an underwater cave and an above ground base doesn't quite go as symmetrical.