Flux (name pending; it was the original name) is a remake of the Halo 3 map Xyience. It was designed by iTs_NeXn, and it was later made by Ivory SnAk3 and xZoNkEd. It is a somewhat large asymmetrical MLG map with 4 floors. The design's complexity isn't something seen in most maps. I began this map after asking Nexn for permission because I was hoping it could be brought to Reach. So that's just a quick rundown of the maps, so here's some pics. OS Ramps Red Street to Blue Street Bottom Rocks Bank Ramp to the left; rocket hall to the right Red Spawn, Tele, OS Blue Pillar Catwalks, Sniper P3, Blue Pillar P3, 2, 1
First off I just wanna say thanks for the brainstorming sesh earlier today. I have a few ideas that I think will really push the map's design further. On topic, this map looks awesome. Are those 1x2's being use as floors? The sketch-up file is legit and really helps me get an idea of the layout, though I see it was already made by someone else beforehand. I never played Xyience, but I look forward to playing Flux when it's ready.
No problem. I'm not sure what pic you're referring, but no 1x2's. Thanks for the interest and the comment.
Wow this looks really cool. The only thing I could recommend is to change up some colors, just so people don't get lost in a sea of gray. I hope this plays as well as it looks!
Yeah, that was one of the problems a ran into when trying to use the best pieces without having a high object density, but I will continue to work on the look.
I thought the floors looked like 1x2's flipped around in the last pic and a few others. I guess they just look similar.
Scope this map is awesome, i love how u edited the roof and added more emphasis on that slit today. That helps with both spacial awareness, as well as gives a nice atmosphere to the map. Surprisingly one doesnt get lost in a sea of grey on this map because of all te height changes it is easy to recognize where you are. I had fun in our awesome 1v1 flag man, oh teh lulz
Yeah, I'm really trying to set a solid aesthetic. Thanks again for helping with the spawns and setting uo CtF. Now to set up Hill and some others.
Very impressive remake and is very true to the original (with better gameplay, in my opinion). Keep up the impressive work and get the finished product out there.