
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Arctic Hunter, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Supported Gametypes:
    -Team Slayer
    -Capture the Flag
    -King of the Hill
    -3 Plots

    -DMR|x4|30 seconds
    -Needle Rifle|x2|30 seconds
    -Plasma Repeater|x2|30 seconds
    -Spiker|x2|30 seconds
    -Sniper Rifle|x1|45 seconds
    -Rocket Launcher|x1|180 seconds
    -Plasma Grenades|x4|15 seconds


    Descent was made on this specific map, mainly for the reason of the crashed ship that lies on the beach of Tempest. The whole idea of the map was to use the ship and make it the center of attention. Now with that said I could not have made the map on Forgeworld, like Confused Flamingo had kept telling me. The map gives you a feel of a somewhat medium size facility that the ship has fallen in. There is a crane that has been placed right above the mess to clear out the extra debris and remains. Some mechanical ideals to this map are the Power Core/Generators on each side, Sensors which are located on both sides, and also the Crane that lies above the map and the ship.

    The gameplay focuses of the higher platforms, giving you some what of an advantage, but you also have no accessability of power weapons. That includes the Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher, which are used to somewhat counter the height or players. A Gravity Lift is placed behind the ship to give you a way to the top floors. There are also ramps up to the top floors on the opposite side that have cover placed along the walkway up. The Rockets are placed in the middle which makes it balanced for both teams, as the Sniper is also located evenly between both teams. One thing that is great about the map is that the ship is usable. That means you are allowed to walk on it to a certain degree. There will be a warning kiollzone if you start to enter near the hole in the middle and you will die if you touch the ground or go any further into the area. Mostly used for quick ways across the middle, but has many purposes.


    Special Thanks:
    I would like to thank everyone who had helped me test the map. That includes many people such as HMSGOVIER, for his initial help and Confused Flamingo for his non Noble Map Pack support. Lastly, I would like to thank Inferi for making the amazing boarders and logo for the map. I knew I had to be patient, but I can now say that it was worth waiting for. Also, support from OfficialDuckFilms for making a video of this map without my notice and ForgeWorldMaps who also put a video on their channel of this map.

    YouTube - ‪Halo Reach Map - Descent‬‏










    Thank you for taking the time to look at the map. Any comments would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy this map as much as I do!
    #1 Arctic Hunter, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    A great Idea to have the ship as the center piece of the map. Your map has a nice "storyline" to go along with the map itself. The layout is simple enough and there's a lot of cover and high ground. Great map I'll DL

    I'm going to try and get some Games on it and tell you about gameplay.
    #2 SquidMan33, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  3. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    this looks really good for the pics,the layout looks like players chould learn it really fast and total props for making on tempest. and am going to DL and give a play test or two and let you know what i think of the gameplay. keep that imagination going bro!
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Jeez dude. You are quite the diligent worker. This took you like what, 4 months? Idk but it looks amazing. Can't wait to play on it. And now I kinda hate you. You posted your tempest map before me :'(
  5. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a nice maps from the pics. I love how you used the ship as your center piece for the map. I also like how this map is built on Tempest. Tempest gives a whole different feeling to the maps that are built there. The coloring of all the pieces look way different then if they were built on forgeworld. I will need to get some customs on this map so I can comment about the gameplay.

    P.S. That is a real nice border and logo that you have for your map.
  6. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    lol man that video is amazing you should definitely add it to the post. I remember seeing this at an earlier stage and I was absolutely amazed. I don't think I've ever seen a better use of tempest's features. I love the crane that blew my mind the first time I saw it. I haven't had a chance to get a game on it other than a 1v1 but from what I've played on it it's really good.
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I feel left out..I don't have that map and now I'm sad cuz I can't check this wonderful looking map out. The aesthetics look nice, as you usually do a great job with them. I can see a lot of height variations which is very good. I like that in maps. You also did a great job on the pictures, sorry I didn't get your message in time. Anyways, this map looks great. I usually am not worried about FRL when it comes to your maps, but how it is? Any at all?

    Would be awesome if there isn't. I also like that you didn't put that blue beam of light in this map. It's just boring and not creative.

    Great work my friend.

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    We were on decent, now were looking at the map because I'm better than you!

    This map has been a pleasure to help test and I see your forging going far in the fututre, now that I'm finished with the mystic magician look I think there's a tag on your map, something along the line of bawlz maybe? :p
  9. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Lol I actually downloaded this off your fileshare a couple days ago thinking it was one of your older maps I hadnt seen yet. I loved the way you used the wreckage as a center piece definitely something I haven't seen before. I played a 2v2 match on it the other day too and loved the way it played.

    On a side note has the really cool bridge turned into anything more yet? :)

  10. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Looks awesome! Maybe it's just me but the killzone in the middle on the ship seems odd or at least kind of random. I'm at the hospital with my wife (just had baby #1) so I can't actually look at it. Is it a soft kill barrier or hard?
  11. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    You showed me this way wild back in its early stages. And I must say, that was one of the only good maps I have ever seen with that ship in it. And of course you cannot have a arctic hunter map without a sniper. Its impossible. I tried and I was immediately turned into an homosexual gerbil with a bad case of butt acne! Anyway, I hope to play on this map soon enough!
  12. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Its a pretty solid map all around, but I would have to agree with Nate. The central kill zone is kind of jarring, since there is no indication that the area is a death zone.
    A flashing red light or two might help in making the kill zone a bit more obvious
    Other than that, good work.
  13. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I support the kill zone, but I think one should be able to cross the pelican's top to cross sides, should they want to, and make it more obvious its a kill zone. and if its not a soft one. other than that the map looks well made and like it might be quite fun. Hope I get a game on it.
  14. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    If you had read the post it states that players are allowed to use the crashed ship for various needs if they want. One being able to run acrosss it yes they can, since the SOFT kill boundry will show up if you start to walk down. That tells players they are not permited in that area. After that you have about 1 to 2 steps before the kill boundry actually kills you.
  15. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Haha, I cant read!

    But that does answer my question about it, so my one concern seems to be gone. The map looks quite beautiful and I do love the way you used the pelican. Mighty good work!

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