Assault/terretories map (I need help)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Terrrorfisk, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Terrrorfisk

    Terrrorfisk Forerunner

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    So i've made a new map that i will make so it supports both assault and territories so one team is on defence and one on offence. The map is located on the two cliffs next to the Canyon (Alaska and Montana) and is "joined" tegeather with 3 bridges (one for infantry only one for Mongeese (?) and Warthogs (both can drive on it) and one for anything (tanks, infantry other vehicles) that have a "checkpoint" in the middle). So to the point of what i need help with: i need help with respawn points that only "work" when the bomb is planted at the defenders base, and the rest will only work when it's not planted.

    Ps i also need some help with where the territories will be and some weapon blanace advice, becouse on theam have 2 Warthogs, 3 Mongeese and a Scorpion (Attackers)and the other have 2 Warthogs, 3 Mongeese, a Revenant and a Falcon (Defenders).
    If u can help send a msg to me on XBL @: xXTERRORFISKXxx
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Im sorry but spawns that become available only when the bomb is planted is impossible.

    The scorpion will absolutely dominate the falcon, so I recommend no scorpion, unless you give one to the other team as well.
  3. Terrrorfisk

    Terrrorfisk Forerunner

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    The team with the falcon have a Rocket launcher, Nade launcher and a Plasma lancher and also a teleporter that goes to the big bridge from where you can jump down to the smallest and grab a Spartan laser. They also have the Rocket Warthog and the normal one. (Maybe i should change it to a Gauss? Or add the Gauss?)

    Edited by merge:

    Could someone help me out?
    If so send me a mmessage on XBL: xXTERRORFISKXxx
    #3 Terrrorfisk, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011

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