Author: FuN Fortress Map Name: District 3.0 Map Canvas: Forge World Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Demolition __________________________________________________ Description: "Get tactical, Marines!!" This is my latest gametype/map (map downloaded through Reach's file system, edited to tune up framerate and gametype support) called 'Demolition', it was made to function similar to the same gametype from games like Counter Strike. With the Demolition minigame, I'm hoping for players to experience very tactical and team-based play within Reach. So far it's been pretty good during play sessions, with people using callouts, splitting into groups and things like that. -THE GAMETYPE- Demolition plays like SWAT, but with shields that don't recharge (to simulate 'body armor' or Kevlar). -VICTORY CONDITIONS- +Score to Win: 1 bomb detonation, first team to arm a bomb and defend it until detonation wins the match (this will prove to be very difficult). +Elimination: Players only have one life per round, so when a team is wiped out, they technically lose. -BOMB TRAITS- +Arming time: Ten (10) Seconds +Fuse time: Thirty (30) Seconds +Disarm time: Five (5) Seconds +Bomb Reset time: Sixty (60) Seconds (this would be set to 'off' provided the Assault gametype allowed it) +Reset on Disarm: Disabled +Bomb Carrier Cooldown: Disabled -WEAPONS AND VEHICLES- +Primary/Secondary: Dependent on the class chosen +Weapons, Grenades, Equipment, and Powerups on map: None +Vehicles on map: Map Default (not indestructible) +Turrets on map: Map Default -GENERAL SETTINGS- +Number of Rounds: Seven (7) +Time Limit: Five (5) Minutes per Round +Sudden Death: No Limit +Friendly Fire: Enabled -PLAYER TRAITS- +110% Damage Resistance +Normal Shields, No Recharge +No Health Recharge +Immune to Assassinations (this gametype tends to get 'campy' at times, and I'd rather not have it boil down to fist fights and 1-hit-kills) +90% Damage Output +25% Melee Damage +90% Movement Speed +75% Jump Height +Vehicle use: Gunner Only +Weapon Pickup: On +Motion Tracker: Disabled +Waypoint and name visible only to allies at all times -LOADOUTS- (Note: No classes have Armor Abilities) 1) Recon +Assault Rifle +Magnum +One Frag An all-rounder class outfitted to handle any situation. Can attack at an effective range with the magnum, provide suppressing fire with the assault rifle, or damage entrenched enemies with a grenade. 2) Marksman +DMR A ranged support class who can pierce through body armor and provide instant kills to unarmored targets. Essential for quick and clean victories, but falls short in CQB. 3) Operator +Shotgun A close combat assault class that can decimate enemies in corridors or provide devastating support from the flank. Can tear body armor apart with one shot from point blank and follow up with another burst for a kill. Weapon becomes incredibly-ineffective as range from target increases. An essential class for both the defense of the bomb sites and a planted bomb. Final Gametype Notes: I have an Elimination Slayer gametype modeled around the same settings as Demolition for those who prefer that. One life per round, best five of seven rounds wins. -Provided Map- +District 3.0, by XxSaurenxX Note: I don't normally condone the use of another's map in a post I make, but this map turned out to be 'the one' for the gametype. I acquired it through Reach's file search system, and do not claim to have made this map. I did however edit a few objects to optimize framerate and support the spawning/objectives for the gametype. An overview of District 3, with spawn zones and objectives labeled. Red Spawn. It was seemingly-modeled after the first section of the second mission in Halo 2's campaign. Blue Spawn; a parking garage. 'Short A', the shortest path to bombsite A from Blue Spawn (which is where offense always spawns in). Bombsite A, with rooftop access A in the back corner. Defense can use this area to gain quick access to the roofs in order to drop down on Bombsite B, block Offense's rooftop approach, or guard A from above. 'Long A'; similarly-named like 'Short A'. This is the longest, but perhaps safest, path to bombsite A. Rooftop access is also available in this area. Blue Half, which forms the 'L' shape of Long A. Rooftop access for Offense is available right next to the tipped Warthog. Work as a team. Communicate or risk being surrounded. The gametype promotes healthy team play, stick together to accomplish your objective. Use the environment to catch enemies by surprise. Always think strategically, and remember the flank. Remember to communicate, and to always send somebody in to scout an area out before sending the whole group in. A vehicle turret, when strategically used, can force the other team to use another route to reach their goal. Always remember the buddy system, and that a lone wolf is a dead wolf. And as always, be a supportive player by giving cover to your teammates. These last two images are also Bombsite B. It's right in the thick of the buildings, with plenty of opportunities for ambush from above. -Closing Notes- That's all for Demolition for now. I have a few other maps that can be used for it, but as of now this seems to be the 'official' choice. Hope everybody can have fun with this! ...Also, the gametype's description seems to be broken for now on the Bnet.
Based off of Search and Destroy by any chance? Either way, I like the idea, and wonder how well this will play in Reach...we shall see. I'm not sure about the no regen, but I'll have to play it to find out. Have you tried it both ways?
It's based on Counter Strike's Demolition (de) gametype haha I never did play SnD on CoD, I was more of a fan of the War gametype and Big Team Deathmatch, myself During the playtests on this (I've been playing it with the boys from RP for the past week now) the no-shield regen has been one of the more-liked points in the gametype, simulating Kevlar or body armor which, in real life, doesn't recharge. I've heard comments like "the game functions like SWAT, but you don't have the annoyance of being blasted in the face at every turn and instakilled because you've got your shields". The fact that they don't recharge also promotes strategic play, forcing players to better-analyze maps and find cover instead of waiting a few seconds to have their armor pumped back up. In the Deathmatch gametype (the Slayer version of this) I might think about recharging shields in the form of custom powerups, to simulate something of a Counter Strike minigame. I think the recharging shield has some potential, but not in the tactical arena of Demolition. I'll definitely play around with it in Deathmatch, though.
From the pics alone this map doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. Yeah sure the buildings are nice aesthetic pieces, but what happened to color? All I see is blue and gray. If you have enough pieces and budget, you should seriously add some more color to the map. I will give this a download to try out the gametype. It seems very interesting. I like the idea of no shield recharge. It really encourages teamwork. I'll post more once I get a game on this.
It's not my map. I'm not going to go through and tweak every aspect of it out of respect to the author. All I did was go in and make it so it was moderately playable. It's still got framerate issues and the bland gray feeling going on, but all I did apart from replacing a few objects was set it up for the objectives and spawning. Maybe sometime I will go through and start a facelift on it. Anyway, be sure to get a big party together when you do play it, it's a blast with a lot of players
I'll make sure to get a large party together to play it. I would be real interested in seeing your "facelift" on this map. I think you could make the map a lot more pleasing to the eye.
Not to sound conceited or anything, but so do I. The map could look worlds greater and it wouldn't take all that much to do it. The author could've really optimized his budget more and used different objects for some of the structures as to save up on total objects so he/she'd have had more to use elsewhere. Apart from the aesthetics try to have fun with it, you're going to get some framerate issues in both of the bases, but otherwise try to have a good time.
So the no regen appears to be the best liked rendition? I'd buy it, but still I'd really like to play for myself, but don't know if I have enough friends online at one time. Send me an invite if you ever need players to test the deathmatch rendition/updated map and demolition and I'll head on over (provided I'm not obligated to something else)!
No problem. Some of the boys from RP and I play this together, and we usually manage a +12 lobby. I never said that the no regen was the most-liked part of the gametype though haha I said it was well-liked Anyway, the map has gone through some serious changes, and the one in my share can be considered 'ancient'.