I need a decent or clutch flag cap film/film clip for an edit I want to do. I can' seem to get a decent one on my own. If you guys get anything, just let me know in this thread. I will give credit to you for the clip when I upload the video. Thanks in advanced if you feel like helping. <3 Rho
Oh man I have one! its on a remake of coagulation and in the middle it has the most epic thing ever... we go flying over a hill right as a wraith blows up beneath us. umm but yeah i could show you it whenever i get LIVE back. oh... but i saved my version of the film (idk if that matters at all)
i know a cool song that you can use for the video Also, is my awesome flag carrier kill on Puri not good enough?
I'd love to see it. Add me on xbl Rho your boat And longshot, I have a song I want already. It's the reason I'm asking for this kind of clip. This is going to be a f*cking unique video. I want to make sure this is the right clip for what I need, so no hard feelings if I don't like it. Yours sounds good though cobalt.
Yeah i dont mind if you dont use it, i just hope i can get xbox live back soon enough to show you the vid.
Ermm.. my LIVE membership depends on my not-so-cooperating-brother-right-now.. so Im guessing a couple of days. I dont want to hold you up with waiting.... but i can't say for certain when i get LIVE back, so as soon as I get it back, ill show you the clip. EDIT: If you read this again... my bro just sent a 3-month so i should be getting it by Tuesday, Wednesday by the latest.