Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh Nope...overall, it was very good....a couple of the clan guys even posted about it being one of the favorites of the night! Good job!
Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh I'm doing the finishing touches and should have it up today along with the tweaked gametype. Cool, that makes me happy that everyone enjoyed it. Who are these 'clan guys' you speak of? I'd like to thank them for their kind words. I'm loading the updated stuff to my fileshare now... The update is up!!
Re: Crooked Crown(Updated): Two gametypes in one!!!{{Pics & Slideshow}} Worth a second look! Kudos for listening to feedback in such a positive way, hopefully it'll be a better for it.
Re: Crooked Crown(Updated): Two gametypes in one!!!{{Pics & Slideshow}} Thanks, hope it ends up being more enjoyable. I realized last night that I never deleted one of the three Hills, so just dropping the game time to 10 minutes would make the Hill never spawn. argh. So rather that resubmit the map on Bungie again, I just reposted the newer, 12 minute gametype on Bungie. I just thought it would be quicker(perhaps lazier)that way. I upped the playing time to 12 minutes, which would allow the final Hill to spawn correctly. I'd like to hear if this still makes for too long a game. Thanks.