Aurora Oceanis

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by smm2010, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. smm2010

    smm2010 Ancient

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    Creator: smm2010

    Track Name: Aurora Oceanis

    Map Name: Forge World

    Gametypes Supported: Race, Battle Snipes, Battle Lasers

    Aurora Oceanis is my newest Battle Track for Halo: Reach. The main feature of this map is a large jump as the end of the track that gives you about three seconds of air time. I decided to create the large jump due to the lack of diversity in skytracks. Nonetheless, the rest of the track flows well, as wells as the large jump that is about 90% consistent. Now onto the pictures and don't forget to download the map!


    Start Area

    First Banked Turn

    First Banked Wave


    Second Banked Turn

    Second Banked Wave

    Rolling Hill into Third Banked Turn



    Fourth Banked Turn


    Large Jump




    What inspired your creation?
    I wanted to incorporate a large and smooth jump into a Battle Track, which is something I have yet to see in Reach.

    How long did it take you to create this track?
    I'd have to say about 30 hours in a two-week timeframe.

    What aspect of the track took you the longest to get right?
    Definitely the jump. I was frustrated that the jump wasn't working half the time, so I ended up adjusting the lip several times to ensure smooth sailing almost every time.

    Download Here
    #1 smm2010, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2011
  2. Lord of the Forge

    Lord of the Forge Forerunner

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    This map looks pretty good! :D
    I like the smoothness of it and the hazard of Spartan LaZorZ!
    #2 Lord of the Forge, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hm . . . On first impression, this looks like a very creative and fun Race Map. BUT, you should also fix up the rocks next to the golden arch. They look boring set up like that. Would you happen to be able to get a video of a 16 player Laser Race? Just so we could see what it is like?
  4. Lord of the Forge

    Lord of the Forge Forerunner

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    I agree with T3RA PROWL3R, a vid of a 16 player laser race would be a good way to 'preview' the map and the rocks could be set up a little ore creatively but overall a cool, fun looking map!
  5. NnJa XxVirusxX

    NnJa XxVirusxX Forerunner

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    :D looks like a fun race map.

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