This MX track and stadium was destroyed by a hurricane right before you where able to race on it, but that doesn't mean you can't still race on it now!!! Start your engines and have fun!! Starting Gate: Few jumps with different paths: The big jump over the rock pit: Driving across the broken bridge: The destroyed stadium: The finishing jump: YouTube - Halo Reach Racetrack: Catastrophe MX‏ Have Fun and Enjoy!!!!
This is a great map, challenging but fun, and have you ever thought of making the map before it was destroyed? The stadium would be insane if it was in good condition
I completely agree. After watching the video, I love this track. It's rare to see a Halo track that looks "Race-able", instead of "Everyone drive around at the same speed on the same line... able". The different paths and shortcuts look very interesting. However I think the broken stadium bit looks a bit messy. If you do make a version with an intact stadium PLEASE pm me about it, because I would love to download that version as well.
I probably will not make a version of this map with the stadium in tact... but i will be making another MX/SX track and I will be including a better/bigger stadium than this one!! And of course, the track outside of the stadium will also be unique, because I put a theme in every one of my maps But thanks for the good feedback and I hope everyone enjoys the map!!