This... Is.... Plane Wars!! Plane wars is 2 semetrical planes suspended in midair and both teams are trying to capture the opponent's "Pilot" (which of course is the flag) To travel from plane to plane you have to utilize the jetpack or sprint across the antenna to jump to the other plane's wing Both teams are equipped with DMRs, Needle Rifles, Assult Rifles, Pistols, shotguns, a Minigun Turret, Rocket Launcher, and Grenade Launcher (which you will see in some of the action shots) For equpiment you have Sprint, Jetpack, Drop Shield, Active Camo, and Hologram. (and some of you may think "how does the flag carrier get across the wings?" well dont worry flag carrier traits make you jump higher so as long as you jump from the antenna you can make it across every time. (Unless you feel like riding on your jetpacking friend's head, then thats fine too.) Now for some of those action shots i mentioned earlier (charge the enemy as a team!) (Just don't get blown up.) (Remember kids; Drop Shields Are Important!) (But thier useless this close up.) (In Plane Wars don't beg for mercy, it's pointless) (Just go for the flag and take the glory.) Tanks for viewing my map, please download and tell me what you think. P.S. I dont know how to build planes, so i realize that it looks horribly built. P.S.S. Thanks to Frost Bite323 for helping in the build, for i am not an excellent forger.
I can't believe you finally posted this! It was awesome building it, and still is one of my favorite maps to play on. Also, nice first post! Hurray for Capture The Pilot.
This looks like a very interesting concept. I'd like to have a better view of the map from a further distance, but i'll save you the trouble and check it out for myself. looking foreward to it
You totally stole my idea. I was going to build a map that had two planes to fight on. JK From the pics this map looks great. The idea is original and it looks fun to play on. The whole battlefield is aesthetically pleasing. The only thing you should add is an overview pic of the planes like Securitym15 said. Oh and you also need to fix the spelling of "semetrical". It should be symmetrical. Overall this map looks really nicely forged. I will download this so I can post more about the gameplay. Remember keep forging.
I tried to make the top view shot of the planes the picture for when you view this, but i didnt know how, so i just added it in right after it says "This...Is....Plane Wars!!
For the picture on the left of the thread before you click it, in the "New Thread" box, there should be a spot where it says "Thumbnail Image". That is the little picture. You go to the website where your picture is located, then copy-paste the address bar into the Thumbnail Image box. (Don't use tags) Hope that helped, sorta. If you need more, use the How To post Screenshots thread.
I played the map. It was fun, but it was lacking in a few areas. I honestly thought that everything would be very aesthetically pleasing, but it wasn't. From the inside of the plane, it looked very nice, but on the outside it really didn't look like a plane to me. I would get rid of the glass sails and replace it with something that is larger that has that same general shape. Also, it was very easy to camp the spawns of the opposing team. Their spawn points are just in one room basically. In competitive maps you don't see respawns just in one room. I would remedy this problem by creating small planes around the two larger planes. Then you could place the spawns on the smaller planes, and that would protect them from being spawn camped. It would also help fix your aesthetic problem. I know that your custom game type makes it so that the flag carrier can jump across the wings, but I would make the wings a bit closer to each other so you don't have to use your custom gametype. This was a fun map to play on. It is definitely different than the usual slayer or capture the flag maps. I enjoyed this map, and I hope that you make other maps that differ from the norm.