Paladin 2

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Voltage, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    I have begun creating an Invasion map that is heavily focused on the Spartan v. Elite theme. I want it to be themed so well that players easily recognize what faction each piece belongs to. I have been able to build aesthetically, but I have had major forger's block on the gameplay front.

    I originally created Paladin for this purpose, but am not entirely pleased with how that map turned out, so I am now trying to create an all new one (not a v2) that's 10x better with your help.

    Spartans will be on offense, and Elites on defense. I want one of the phases to be to destroy the gun (assault). I'm not sure what the other phases should be, in what order they should be, what kind of new constructs I should build, where should everyone spawn, etc. But here's what I've got so far:

    The Spartans' initial spawn is jumping out of a Pelican.

    bottom view (what players see)

    inside view, the Spartan initial spawn. I removed the upper bridge. 1) It wasn't necessary. 2) it makes the bottom one look more like the back of the seats). 3) General budget increase, just in case.

    distant view

    top view (no one will see this in-game, but in case you might want to)

    For the Covenant, I have built a planetary defense cannon. I want one of the phases to be to plant a bomb in the gun's control room.

    outside of gun, from inside canyon view

    outside of gun, from beach view

    inside of gun - reactor core and control panel

    view inside gun through side door (there are 2 side doors, 1 back door)

    control panel close-up

    That's all I've got. I am totally stuck when it comes to everything else... :(

    Please, I need YOUR feedback - good and bad. Tips, ideas, criticism, anything. I have built and deleted and rebuilt about 20 times and am just out of fuel.

    I will even left you have the map and completely redo it you want, as long as you give me some credit and send me a link to check it out. Right now it's simply titled AA for (AA gun, and for easy accessibility). Click here to download it.

    Thanks guys!
    #1 Voltage, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm, I'm not a fan of the Pelican but that Covenant gun looks frickin' amazing. For phases, you could fit territories in it somehow for phase 1. Then, the spartans would infiltrate the gun and steal the power source (core) and bring it back to the pelican. Then they could bomb the gun. If you combine this with more cool cool structures, you could have a hell of an invasion map.
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Mind. Blown.
    The map looks beautiful. The pelican is understandble and simple, nothing much to look at though it will save you money and peices later, this might be a good idea, but I might add that you may want to add a few bells and whistles to it, just make it al little more appealing maybe, if you have the money later.
    I do like the game progression the Psychoduck mentioned sounds fun, but you should add some more structures between the spartans and elites, maybe a wall with two shade turrets? And later in the stages I might recommend banshee and falcon vehicles, because aerial battles are fun as hell. I would love to see the end result, you have a great oppertunity for a fantastic map here.
  4. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Please, please, PLEASE dont make the tyrant phase a core. Make it assault for realism. I mean, no one stores anything valuable in an AA gun. They blow it up!

    For phases 1 and 2:

    P1) Make a random Covy tower, territories or assault.
    P2) Make a barrier wall Spartans have to break through. Territories or Assault.
  5. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The pelican assault reminds me of the beginning of a mission in halo 3 called the ark. It would be cool if you went off of that.
  6. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Good ideas, guys. Keep them coming. :)

    I am planning on fixing up the Pelican more later after I get the rest of the map worked out.. It was just thrown together, really, because I haven't even decided if I want to keep it yet. Depends on what else gets thrown into the map.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Personally I don't really like having players jump out of a pelican or something for the initial spawns. It just seems sort of tacky since the pelicans never look very good, and having a cramped initial spawn always turns out bad. You could have a pelican for aesthetics off in the distance, but that will still take up budget and have little effect on the game.

    For the first and second phases, I recommend territories because you already have an assault phase and capturing the core works best for a final phase. For this just build a base on each side of hemmorhage for the second phase, and some austere outposts for the first phase. This is oversimplifying it, but it's a good start.

    Alternatively you could make the first phase territories to capture a pair of outposts and make a third phase (destroying the turret would be the second) that involves capturing a core or securing an LZ. Securing an LZ works by making a large territory that attackers can easily enter but must clear defenders out of to capture. In this case you could use gated objects to make the turret look destroyed for the third phase.

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