I haven't been able to access the site for two days now, not on my home computer or on my work computer. I've noticed maps submitted to Forgehub within that time though. I assume those who have submitted maps recently have been able to access their fileshares on Bungie.net, so what's going on?
Can't access the site? No. Banned from the site for trolling? Yes. You should probably clear your cookies. I've run into problems where access to the site was temporary blocked off due to login failures. It often happens after I sign off Bungie.net, and fails on multiple other sites affiliated with Microsoft. So yes, try clearing your cookies.
maybe it's due to the amount of traffic the site has been getting after their announcements... im on the east coast in the US and its been working fine, it was slow for awhile but now it seems to be running smoothly
Have you tried clearing your cookies? Is your internet displaying as having restricted access? If it's the latter, disconnect and reconnect your internet through your computer. If it fails, reset and/or disconnect your router and try reconnecting again. If you have already tried all of this, it may just be a temporary problem for a small group of people. Just to be sure, I checked to see if Bungie.net still worked for me or not. It did, so I assume you either have not used my suggestions (and if so, you should try them) or you are experiencing an unknown problem that you'll likely have to figure out for yourself.
I've emptied the cache and deleted all cookies. Still no luck. Perhaps Bungie.net's not allowing access from Macs for some reason. I had a friend of mine use her PC and she accessed it just fine.
Oh, you have a Mac. I'm stumped, then. I don't know much about Macs. It must be some temporary problem with all Mac users. You could try again later, but there's not much else that can be done. If it's not a problem that is present on both the PC and the Mac, I don't see much way to fix it. Maybe you'll run into a Mac user on here who knows a thing or two about technology. I'm doubtful you will, but you could get lucky.
I have a Mac, and an ancient (2001) one at that, but I don't get this problem. It must be browser or connection specific.
Try logging out and then back into your Windows Live account (the same username and pass you use on b.net) at the hotmail login. I often have a problem where it failed to sign out/sign in at bungie.net, and it leaves it in this permanent halfway state that blocks me from accessing the site unless I do that. Thats all the help I can offer.
This is probably your best bet. I'm using an iPad most of the time, so I assume there's some similarities to a Mac in the browsing (Technologically impaired!), and I encounter this problem quite often.
the sign in and search options are offline for everybody right now... EDIT: actually they just went back up
Seems my ISP had a portion of the route blocking access to Bungie.net for some reason. I called them last night and it is now working for me. Thanks to all of you who tried to help me figure it out.