Getting some really weird **** when I download the installer. First off, downloaded it with chrome. When it "finished", aka it said 937/937mb, 0 seconds remaining. And it sat on 0 seconds remaining for half an hour before the laptop crashed. So I opened up the download folder, and the file was there as a .cr download file, so I couldn't use it. So I downloaded it in Firefox. And had the EXACT same problem with the download, except the download finished fine but it crashed when it was "scanning for viruses". So I open the download folder, and the .cr download file has changed into the .exe file and the firefox download .exe is there. And everything I ran either of them, the computer crashed. I ran as admin, and tried everything. So I moved one of the downloads to the desktop. And then everything I started up the computer, it crashed. Over and over and over and over. So I did system restore, and it's K now. Maybe it'd help if I downloaded the 5 parts instead of the installer?
I found that the best way to level up is to bug the hell out of a high level cleric until they buff you, then proceed to run around destroying anything that moves.
A better thing to do is befriend a high level cleric then they'll continually buff you That's what I did.