
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Vicious Vice, May 28, 2011.

  1. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    The beautiful tower​

    Made by Vicious Vice
    1-16 players
    1-4 teams

    I can't even begin to explain how many version of this game there are. I've changed the name the entire game too many times to remember. It use to be called Hobos on Saliva, i use to despawn platform similar to Floormaster. But basically I scratched all those old ideas and well made... this. Basically its a mix of Tetris/Flushing Toilet/Avalanche. Here are some FAQs.

    Q. Whats the point of the game?
    A. You have to use your infinite jetpack to get to the top to score a point, avoiding all the balls, platforms, power downs, and grav lifts.

    Q. Power down?
    A. The custom power ups take away your jetpack.

    Q. I played with 16 players and we didn't have jetpack for like 45 seconds. Whats wrong?
    A. Lag. Next question.

    Q. How is it soo high? and where is the sky barrier?
    A. With Darth human's advice i built it outside the map barrier where there is no sky barrier, only a natural soft kill at the top.

    Q. 100+ balls. Is this hacked?
    A. No. Its the insane gametype.

    Q. Can we have Pictures?

    yes you can assassinate

    me... dieing

    going up

    Also special thanks to the hundreds of people who played and tested this game i couldn't have made this game without all of you.

    And a very Special thanks to Darth Human for inspiring me to make this mini game and his ingenious Insane scoring system.
    #1 Vicious Vice, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  2. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    This map is wonderful looking and quite fun and a new enjoyable experience. Though it does seem like there should be checkpoints so it can not as hard. I don't really know how you would make a checkpoint, but I really recommend it; it would make it a lot easier! Just a thought, but great job either way! :)
  3. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    <---- itz cool kid

    I'm glad I was able to help test this and give my thoughts along the way. It turned out to be a very fun mini game. Of course you added your own twist by adding obstacles like the man cannons and custom powerups that add to the both fun and challenging gameplay. Plus you need to watch your back since assassinations are enabled. Overall, its a great map, and another awesome mini game added to my hard drive.
    #3 Darth Human, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2011
  4. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Holy **** batman. Seems like i just played this with u, like, 2 hours ago :)
    Super fun, enjoyed every minute of it, too bad ther wasnt enuf minutes.
    Good job on an awesome minigame.

    Whats damage resistance at tho?
  5. Sam

    Sam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This game was a lot of fun when I got to play it. Jetpacks are as always a ton of fun to use and I like the platforming element in this game where you also have to avoid the custom powerups. This is a great mini game that I'll download and hold onto.
  6. StealthNYC139

    StealthNYC139 Forerunner

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    downloaded, will feedback tomo after i play..looks great though
  7. gamewhiz11

    gamewhiz11 Forerunner

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    Super fun! A little laggy, but overall great game play with a big party!
  8. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    @ hollow123
    You could have checkpoints with one-way shields. That way, you can only fall back down so far, but if you die you have to start all over from the bottom.

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