Many people were annoyed at the lack of an exact blood gulch remake. I am planning an alternate to Hemmorage. A fully remade, exact replica, down to every hill and rock, using a terraforming process I have developed I will (if budget restrictions allow) recreate blood gulch in all its gulchy glory. Am still looking into it but I even might be able to get the texture difference between the grass and the dirt. Wish me luck.
Seems to be what he is hinting at I myself would love to see gulch or valhalla remade in all its glory. I havent really seen any remakes that have stuck to the basics and kept them realistic or familiar to the previous maps. Perhaps a mix of the two would honestly work out better and not be such a hassle hmm perhaps a new BTB design idea . If you need some help with any of the designing or "terraforming" hit me up this would be pretty amazing to pull off.
Forge simply doesn't have the capability to remake large geographical features in a way that is 1) true to the original, 2) smooth and easy to get around on, and 3) aesthetically appealing in the slightest. And if you've already "remade" Valhalla or Isolation or whatever, I'm sorry to be the one to break this news to you. I'm fine with remakes of smaller, less naturalistic maps and some of those I think are pretty eerie in how close they get, but remaking stuff like Valhalla is a fool's errand. Better to make a new BTB map, or radically re-imagine an old one instead of trying to re-create it.
Yes, when I said Terraforming I meant, make something with rocks and tin cups. As it is I'll have to see as my parents are limiting my game time to the point where jnust getting on and playing is a struggle.
Call me crazy, I can't see how 10 tin cups and 50 rocks are going to drastically alter the way the hemorrhage plays. And you're going to retexture the entire thing, right? =P
I've seen some pretty decent Valhalla and Isolation remakes..just saying. They don't look all that great aesthetically, but they're pretty spot-on otherwise and do the best with what they have.