New Xbox console rumored for 2012 reveal

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Draw the Line, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    So with a new console expected to be released around the holiday season of 2013, that leads me to wonder, what features or improvements could this next console have that will make people want to purchase it? I was discussing this with Matty in another thread but decided to start a new topic about the console specifically.

    Personally, I expect the console to support backwards compatibility this time around, along with continued support for the Kinect peripheral into the next generation. Will the next console contain a Bluray drive? Any fresh new gimmick? Color?

    Lets discuss what we can expect from the next generation of console and what will make it stand out compared to the current 360.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    In response to your last message.

    Upon a bit more investigation, Microsoft does play a part in Blue ray Sales. They provided a codec that is used, and receive royalties from every sale. So Microsoft does have stake.

    They better not drop some bullshit lame excuse for 'why the new xbox can't be backwards compatible'.
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think since the original xbox didn't have a large market share, they chose not to bother with it. This time around, they have a much larger market share, so it makes more sense to support backwards compatibility. Plus the 360 games weren't dependent upon on a hard drive like the original xbox was, which I think led to all of the compatibility problems in the first place.

    Oh, and here's hoping they have a top notch cooling system in the next gen console. I don't think they'll want to make the same mistake twice... I don't think they could afford to, lol
    #3 Draw the Line, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2011
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    The announcement of timesplitters 4 is bigger for me than the announce of the new xbox.
  5. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    The new Android console and Wii U are screwed. I can already see that. I hope Quake 5 is one of the launch titles. That would be the greatest day of my life.

    They need to have top-of-the-line performance this time around. They need to make a console that Sony would not be able to top. Yes Microsoft, that's right. We want a 40 core processor.

    No, but realistically I want Blu-Ray that performs better than the PS3's Blu-Ray. I also want Microsoft to bribe Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games into releasing Uncharted and Killzone for the next-gen Xbox, but I doubt that would happen. It's hard to convince PS3 fanboys of anything. They need to have at least a quad-core processor if they want to even remotely have a chance of keeping up with the competition. I mainly want all the officially released Xbox and Xbox 360 games to be backwards compatible, along with all of the things you purchased from the XBLM to be able to be ported over. They need to bring back XBL for the original Xbox though, however way they can. How the hell am I supposed to play Counter-Strike and have fun if the only ones I can have fun with are bots? Boring.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I really doubt you'll see original xbox support in any way shape or form. Although I imagine you'll be able to port over any DL content you purchased on the 360.

    I'm curious what will be powering the system though...
  7. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    hopefully (but doubtfully) they release a new system that doesn't break down every 6 months, even my new xbox 360S from september had to be sent in bc it stopped working- its a joke that the xbox is manufactured this faulty, they need to focus on this issue the most and produce something that will stand the test of time...
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    I've never had a single problem with my first gen elite, no RRoD, no problems whatsoever. I just hope the new xbox doesnt have as many problems as people have had with the current ones.
  9. Berb

    Berb Ancient
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    IMO, new Xbox < Timesplitters 4

    I mean, the console developers are running out of ideas. This is what I can see from the 'Newbox':

    - Capability to play blu-ray (meh)
    - 3D (meh)
    - Motion control (meh)
    - New look and dashboard and general design (ooh snazzy +1 rep)
    - Backwards compatibilty ( + 777 rep)

    I Microsoft want to separate themselves from the opposition, they should concentrate on the games which make/break a console, not the engineering and 'cool new stuff'
  10. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    That 'cool new stuff' is kind've a must if you want to see primo titles on the Xbox.

    Blu-ray hasn't really taken the market.. yet. It's gonna catch, much like High Def tv's have quite recently. And when it comes to gaming the Blu-ray format would help significantly.

    Backwards compatibility is definitely something I'd like to see on the new console.
    #10 DunkinMyCookies, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2011
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    An army of tiny men, the power of love, your eternal soul, anything could work.
  12. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    "They need to have top-of-the-line performance this time around. They need to make a console that Sony would not be able to top. Yes Microsoft, that's right. We want a 40 core processor.

    No, but realistically I want Blu-Ray that performs better than the PS3's Blu-Ray. I also want Microsoft to bribe Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games into releasing Uncharted and Killzone for the next-gen Xbox, but I doubt that would happen. It's hard to convince PS3 fanboys of anything. They need to have at least a quad-core processor if they want to even remotely have a chance of keeping up with the competition. I mainly want all the officially released Xbox and Xbox 360 games to be backwards compatible, along with all of the things you purchased from the XBLM to be able to be ported over. They need to bring back XBL for the original Xbox though, however way they can. How the hell am I supposed to play Counter-Strike and have fun if the only ones I can have fun with are bots? Boring."

    You, sir.. i have no idea of the first thing you;ve said, but whatever. Yes, you're entire post is what would please me. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    and on the talk of 360s breaking... i've had mine since it came out (crappy white one, 20 gigs or something) and it hasnt had the RROD or anything really. Its now just starting to fail, freezing up 4 times in a row, etc. etc.
    #12 Bio Cobalt, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2011
  13. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    Blue Ray as definitely hit the market where im at, all age groups, but i would like to see backwards compatibility also...
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    The market implies worldwide, not just where you live...
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Yeah, blu-ray is picking up speed, but its sales haven't passed DVDs yet. In two years that might change though... either way I think its a good time to jump into bluray
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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  17. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Keep dreamin, bro. Those titles/IP's are exclusive to Sony and it's guaranteed you won't be seeing them on any other platform in this lifetime.
  18. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ...Well Mass Effect once was exclusive to Xbox, GTA to Sony, FF to sony, Insomniac's even making a game for the 360. Point is exclusives don't last for ever and the only thing keeping those games exclusive is that Sony basically pays them more than what they would have made had they made the game multi-platform. Plus some developers like making games for just a single console.
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Naughty Dog might be my favorite of all time....

    Crash Team Racing..........
  20. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I disagree with most of that article. I'm really hoping we don't go that direction for quite some time.

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