GTA San Fran inspired map. Here's a couple of pics. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x450 and weights 69KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x450 and weights 55KB. It will play for One Flag, Team Slayer, Snipers, Race, SWAT Race and a custom Warthog hill gametype for up to 4 teams. Testing starts this week so should be ready soon. MRX
I assume you mean San Andreas (specifically the San Francisco stand-in part of it, which was called... uh... something... I'm too lazy to Google). You might check out my own Forerunner City (see my sig) - if you never saw it before, it was very loosely inspired by the same piece of virtual real estate.
Yes San Andreas. Used to just drive around till I found a cop car to blow up to start a chase. Very familiar w forerunner city, may try to incorp ur grand theft mongoose btw amazing post on that. MRX