Skyrise has been released! Find it here. EDIT: Updated pics are up. Cover has been added in some open areas and removed in some overpowered areas. A few jumps and railings have been added, and weapons moved to promote circulation. Removed unnecessary background buildings. Enjoy! Back after a long break from forging, I decided to finally make this asymmetrical city map I've been dreaming about for a long time. I wanted it to have a decent sized play space but still have some cool background scenery. Mouseover to see the rough inspiration for the map: [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Defender's base: Attacker's base (far right): Overview: If anyone is interested in testing, just send me an FR or message (CyborgAnthro). Thanks!
I really liked the Warlock inspired center-piece on this map. Unfortunately we only got to play this with 6 people when it would definitely handle 12-18 much better. The aesthetic of this map was awesome, and really captured the urban battleground kind of feel. Most of the pieces fit well together and I didn't see any major textural problems worthy of note. As for what can be done, I think I already told you much of what I'm going to say here: Add more cover along the walkways and ground floor, remove the vehicles (they were useless against anyone with high ground), and make it less easy to fall down onto the beach. The little inlets I was trying to tell you about in the back tower-mid are caused by the 3 Room Building. Maybe you could lower it a bit to make it so you can't hide in them. It's shaping up well; I look forward to playing a newer version.
There doesn't really seem to be enough floor space for the hog, but you could probably keep the ghost. Hopefully those lines of sight won't be too long or too open, but it's hard to say without having run around on the map. You have created a very visually appealing map. Hopefully the gameplay will be just as enjoyable. Good luck testing! And if something isn't working, don't be afraid to change geometry!
On the lack of cover and the beachside railings I agree. I am still torn on the vehicles because a few people really enjoyed them as an option even though they don't provide as much of an advantage as on other vehicle-friendly maps. The inlets you're referring to should have had a soft kill zone their but it's possible my game auto-loaded a slightly earlier version of the map. That happens to me so often yet I still forget to reselect the map from the list which I think solves it. I am working on some more small cover and even considering another small structure to fill in some gaps. Maybe I'll take your tip and remove the hog but I might also add another ghost to balance it out. Thanks for the comments, let me know if you're interested in testing.
It looks great. How much interior space is there? It looks like there could be room for quite a bit but seems like there might not be.
I was just looking at your pictures and realized that a really good idea would be taking the catwalk near the beach and doubling it's size with another set of brace larges. In fact, I think you should do this for all catwalks. This will add more dancing room to the upper levels and allow you to place more interested cover than those small braces you have now. Maybe you could even throw some roofing over some sections and crates to really sell the urban style. In line with that urban style, I think you ought to remove the covenant barriers and replace them with the human ones for consistencies sake.
Soft kill with no way back up doesn't seem like the best solution. If you want falling down there to mean death (and working it in to gameplay would take extra effort for little or no benefit from what I can see of the beach space in pics), then it should be instant death just like falling off any other map. As it is you're ensuring the player will die, but they're forced to wait 10 seconds to do so, then they have respawn time which may well include a suicide penalty as well. I suggest a hard kill just above ground level, having a slight drop before death feels more natural and gives a keen jetpack user a small window to save themselves. EDIT: also, some kind of railing on that beach side edge would be good too, an actual aesthetic railing would be a nice touch if you have the objects.
There are three major indoor spaces (one large and two small). There is decent room for fighting inside the largest building but most of the fighting takes place outside. I like the idea of expanding the beach walkway but I really don't have the budget left to make the complicated cover such as more buildings that that area would demand. I have maxed out all the crates and have taken your suggestion to replace the covy ones with human crates. I was going for a covenant vs humans fight around the street but it didn't really pan out. Thanks for the tips! I have added railings and also took your idea about the hard kill just above the ground. I doubt jetpackers will try to take advantage of it but it's always an option. Falling off, however will result in an instant and sandy death on impact. Thanks!
Working....Working... -Download Incomplete- Well, so far I'm impressed. The overall map design seems to promote easy flow and even easier gameplay. Weapon spawns I haven't seen, but if I could get a game in sooner or later, I'll check em out. One problem I see is the issue of camping. Sure, camping now and again is fun, but some of the open areas won't even be traversed due to the campers in the area. One thing I can see happening is if there is a sniper and a shotty on the map, this classic maneuver will be played. 1. Players who download this map will likely play it often, and know the spawns and locations of weapons. 2. Two (2) players will team up, one going for the Shotty and the other for the Sniper. 3. The duo will most likely chose a location off-radar, which is close to the sniper spawn. 4. One player will wreak havoc on the other team as they pass in the open, and the other will protect the Sniper from intruders. 5. When the ammo runs out, the Sniper will go and pick up more, or they may switch positions. This tactic is common in games that I have played, which can and will be exploited. Also, I have some questions on spawns and vehicles, but I need more info for those. All in all, looking good, just watch out for those campers. Place a few fusion coils just to be safe
This is probably the best city map I've seen, aesthetically. I love how you put buildings in the background. And the bridge over the road. Beautiful map. I would just keep the beach off limits, like you have it. The area may be too small for a hog, but a ghost would be great on this map. Oh, and I really like the name. Keep it. Like others have said, I would 1) Add a few indoor spaces 2) Replace the covenant barriers with human crates 3) Add some more various cover
If you're running low on budget and aren't able to make the necessary changes to the map require for better gameplay, that means it's time to start looking around the map (especially at your aesthetics structures) for pieces you can remove. Look for multiple pieces that can replaced with a single one and remove pieces from your aesthetic buildings that won't actually be visible during gameplay. For example, deleting those braces you're using for cover on the beach walkway are kind of ineffective and could be better. Oh yeah, and they're costing you $50 a pop. A lot of these $50 decorative pieces are being used around the map for aesthetics, which I understand is important to this map, but not crucial. After the load-out camera, I hardly even paid attention to them anymore. It can be tough, but if you're at a point where you can't make changes that impact the important stuff, then start optimizing so you can.
Psquiddy, I think that tactic is inevitable to some degree but I will keep it in mind. Aside from most of the weapons (and all of the power weapons) and health packs being out in the open, I have been adding and moving fusion coils around to avoid camping. Voltage, thanks for the comment. I need to update the pics but many of the things you mentioned have been improved. I was wrong before, there are actually about five indoor spaces and only one of them is really large. Frozenlynx, I have begun to remove some unnecessary aesthetic pieces but I really like the braces and the kind of cover they provide. I have made a few sacrifices here and there to make more useful cover. I am even thinking of sacrificing one or two of the background buildings to add more stuff on the map but it may be pushing a framerate drop as more and more objects get put in that confined space. Thanks for the help and encouragement everyone.
Thanks Rsvi, this one is fairly close to release so stay tuned. I will try to remember to update the pics later based on some changes I have made.
While I can see a few structural changes (weapons and vehicles are harder to tell), it seems there are still some problems from the last version that have not been changed yet. The catwalks and middle area are still very open and look as if it will still be incredibly easy to pick someone off out there before they can reach any cover. As I suggested before, I highly recommend finding a way to widen those catwalks in some areas, leaving you with more room to add some cover as well as increase the dancing room up there. I'd be down to go into Forge with you and tinker with some ideas if you'd like.
I appreciate the tips. I have actually done even more tinkering and found some new ways to add cover (just sitting on a map for a long time really helps). As for widening the platforms, I really like the geometry the way it is and the catwalks are better left thin IMO, that way people on the bottom level actual have some fighting chance against someone up there in such a central and dominant area. The last few games on this have been much better in terms of cover, but now I am working to improve spawning. I will add you next time I'm testing if you're interested.
I see that all four of your maps seem to only be previews, do you plan on finishing/releasing any of them? It'd be a shame to see this one end up like all the others..
Don't worry, my previews haven't fallen by the wayside. I just happen to get to spend more time constructing new maps than I do testing finished ones, and I don't want to release anything that isn't thoroughly tested. The more time I take to think about the map, the better I seem to do. Also, by having the preview around a while, the maps get a little hype built up and more people have the opportunity to help me test if they are interested, which means more feedback before release. This one is very close to release though so stay tuned. Thanks.